Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Saw part of it on tv in the past few months. The wife walked by and asked what it was about. I didn’t even try.

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I think you may have misread. He said “Air Force One.”



That’s a good movie!!

Get off my plane.

I heard a review where they referred to her as “weathered” in this movie. Entirely fair, since obviously the movie did its best to unpretty her given the setting and the context. Still, the notion of “weathered Kirsten Dunst” should stop all of us in our tracks.


AF1 is a fun movie but those other three are on a whole different level of excellence.

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Swap AF1 for Executive Decision and you got a stew goin


Any movie where Steven Seagal dies in his first 5 minutes of screentime is elite.


As lower-brow 90s action classics go:
The Rock > Speed > The Fugitive > Con Air IMO. Not sure why these other lesser movies are being grouped in.

Steven Segal movies? Got damn, now we got a nostalgia watch party.

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Hard to Kill/ Under Siege double feature imo

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Still remember our dad renting “On Deadly Ground” when we were kids. Loved it back then.

Let’s fucking go


Has one of my favorite scenes ever. Hits my dad heart hard:



That’s a great scene.

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He apparently thought Hoosiers was a career ender for everyone involved while shooting it as well

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I just saw a headline that said, ‘Universal Studios tram accident leaves at least 15 injured’ and all I could think was, ‘oh no, did Jaws finally get them?’ Of course it’s a video, so I ain’t clickin on that



(There was a one-off early access screening tonight at AMC; will open widely on Thursday)

This was pretty great. Zendaya is an absolute force of nature in this, and she really couldn’t have picked a better star vehicle to elevate her profile even further. Also loved the directorial choices by Luca Guadagnino. There’s a lot of time-jumping in this - as the story unfolds, you increasingly find that to be not only a good choice, but an absolutely necessary one. The frantic camera work during some of the sequences is the type of thing that I would often dislike, but it felt spot-on here. Just a really well-crafted movie.

I don’t regard this as anything incredibly substantive, but as popcorn movies go, it’s a really strong execution. The movie just brings an energy that is impossible to resist. If you’re like me and view sports movies as a weaker genre, I advise against dismissing this on that basis; the sport is more the device than the central point. With that said, the sports scenes are really fun.

Very much recommended. 4/5.


Boy Kills World


Saw this at a AMC Screen Unseen event and boy did it suck. It seems like it was based on an anime but nope it’s just shot like a live action one with slow mo close up shots, random over excited acting, dramatic zoom ins, things that sound cool on paper but no sense, like a metal mechanical fist that has a gun attached to it that fires a shot when you punch someone (isn’t the point of a gun not to punch someone?) As opposed to Edge of Tomorrow with a soldier in a mech suit with a big sword that sounds cool on paper and is cool in the movie.

Also a lot of heroin smoking than seemed I don’t know, good for a movie to have?

The setup is exactly the Hunger Games. Once a year the ruling family pulls out some random people to kill to show that they can. Of the kids survives the execution and vows revenge.

The twists are pretty obvious and the acting is one note all the way through. So the only interesting things were Bill Skarsgård is the lead and the Skarsgard family has have 10% body fat total for the whole family. Jessica Rothe, who is a good actress ,is super fit in this, as in six pack and back toned yoga back striations. Her outfit was the only interesting thing too. She wore a motorcycle outfit with a satin bowling jacket that was hemmed up to showcase her abs. She wore a motorcycle helmet though most of the movie that had an LED screen on it that would flash things as her way of interacting with people.

There’s gun-kata that makes no sense, “quirky” sidekicks, blah. Just not good and too many words spent on a bad movie.

As an aside, what is that called in women’s clothing where they take a normal fitting top, jacket, or whatever and lop off the bottom half so it still fits normal but only goes slightly past the breasts?