Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

The pancakes and pig meat look really good right now.


I think this scene may have helped me understand what a normal day is like for Tarantino paying attention to everyone’s feet

The Tunnel

There are over 1,100 tunnels in Norway, most without emergency exits or rooms.

Tunnel safety in Norway is based on self support. It’s your own responsibility to get out.

Since 2011, there have been 8 big fires in tunnels. Only coincidences and heroic acts have prevented casualties.

This film is inspired by those true events.

An award winning thriller made in Norway and starring Norwegians??? Sign me up.

Comparisons to Daylight feel inevitable, but Stallone is a fine reference. Free on Tubi.

I watched Annihilation on Netflix last week. In case you aren’t familiar with it, it’s a sci-fi/horror movie starring Natalie Portman from the director of Ex Machina. It’s an ambitious, cerebral, visually innovative and emotionally complicated. I’d strongly recommend it if you enjoy head sci-fi stuff like Arrival.

And here’s a great analysis. It’s spoiler heavy so consider yourself warned.


Went and saw Gran Turismo. Previously saw the trailer, shrugged at it, mentally ruled out bothering with it unless the reviews were raves. The early reviews were not raves but were also half-decent. Still wasn’t overly interested, but got a last-minute itch to go to the theater and reasoned out that the movie would probably be whatever, but that a racing movie in Dolby Cinema with any sort of budget behind it was very likely to be a non-terrible experience.

For, I’d say, 2/3 of the movie, my feeling was spot-on. A lot of the early plot was very forgettable and difficult to glom onto, but there were occasionally really fun visuals, and the racing scenes worked in the enhanced theater. The final 1/3 of the movie was surprisingly good, some of the emotional beats worked well, and I was officially left glad that I went. Snap-reaction is to give it a 6.5/10, though if you watch in Dolby or IMAX it might be a 7.



Cheers on all levels of this post.

Would strongly recommend the book it was based on. It’s NOTHING like the movie–except it’s exactly like the movie. It’s as though a book author and a filmmaker took the same core idea and then came back together to see what each other did with the idea.

Also gonna thumbs up Folding Ideas!!! Gotta think if you like their stuff that you’d also enjoy Patrick (H) Willems.

Going to see this in 4DX on Sunday. Hoping the racing scenes will really hit in that format.

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His video on NFTS was also very very good


Read this as “Gran Torino” at first and had no idea what in the hell you were talking about.


Fast agree.

His video on Suicide Squad is the gold standard for trash talk. Like RedLetterMedia if it had gotten more sophisticated instead of…not.

Is that the guy who took down NFTs?

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Yeah thats him

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The movie was great, but the book is A+++++, vandermeer is a fucking genius and he’s also a great follow on Twitter


Hahahah yes, perfect summary


Hey what Vandermeer is incredible like some of the best sci-fi stuff in the business today.

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I watched TĂ r a third time (since release, not in a row). I finally shut out the noise and focused on the movie.

First viewing: 5/10
Second viewing: 7/10
Third viewing: a masterpiece

Perfect double feature with Whiplash as the appetizer. TĂ r gives me the ending I wanted.

What makes a good dessert for this meal?

School of Rock good but too fluffy. Maybe Amadeus?




The secret to enjoying Tar is realizing it’s basically a ghost story.

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That’s a great one! Deep and complex.

Think I’m gonna spin up Amadeus and then see if there’s room left for Farinelli. I watched it endlessly as a teenager. The singing is soul shattering.


Tubi once again delivers