Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I think you could, to be fully honest. Maybe I’m Polyanna here but I think today’s audiences are a lot smarter about race/sex/gender than Hollywood gives them credit for.

That’s a good point. It’s tough for me to judge because I grew up at a time when “retard” was a normal insult one would throw around.

I’ve said this before but it’s crazy that Jamie Foxx isn’t a bigger star than he already is. He’s so goddamn charismatic, like a legit modern-day old-school Clark Gable kind of Hollywood guy and yet he isn’t in very many movies.

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Heard great things about this one.

Yeah, I thought it was pretty good, and a lot of people think it’s even better than that. I’m guessing there’s a decent chance you’d come in on the positive end.

Before that, I’m under the impression that Foxx has been dealing with significant health stuff for a while that would naturally hold a career down. Hopefully that’s all behind him now.


I need to re-rewatch Collateral, just a masterpiece. Put Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx in a cab together and have them riff off of each other, brilliant concept for a movie.


I see what you mean. For me, I feel like he’s always here. Django Unchained was not that long ago. They Cloned Tyronne. He was great reprising his role in Spiderman. Loved him in the 2019 movie Just Mercy alongside Michael B Jordan.

He was awesome in Collateral. Never before had Tom Cruise let himself show gray hair. This one is only twenty years old lol.

The Greatest Night in Pop (2024)

Documentary about the logistics of making We Are The World. It plays like a heist film. Utterly fascinating and a total joy. Highly recommend.

It’s on Netflix.

Grade: A

PS I wish it explained why the hell Dan Aykroyd was there!


The Blues Brothers, obviously

Alright, I’ve watched Nyad and have therefore achieved Eyebooger Basic for 2024. Still planning to watch all Best International nominees prior to the Oscars (assuming I get a local screening for Io Capitano; I know that Perfect Days will be here in a couple of weeks) so that I can achieve Eyebooger Premium.

Largely mirroring eb’s thoughts about Nyad. I was into it for 30-40 minutes, then it became unduly repetitious and began to feel like there just wasn’t enough material here to fill out a compelling full-length feature film. It probably doesn’t help my personal enjoyment of this sort of movie that the hero’s mission is not one I can fully get on board with. Like reading Jon Krakauer’s Into Thin Air, I’m left going, “or…maybe our protagonist could simply choose to not do this.” I’m not as low as 3/10 on it, but I think it’s a below-average movie. I’d probably be like a 4.5/10 on it, but I’m logging it as 2.5/5 on LB.

Jodie Foster was great and worthy of her Oscar nomination. Frankly I wouldn’t even question the merits if she won, but I realize there’s nothing really pointing in that direction. Bening did a good job, but I’d definitely prefer her nomination to have gone to Greta Lee instead.


Sure but he sticks out like a sore thumb. He wasn’t even the singing brother!

They both sang. Pretty sure Dan did Rawhide.

Fucking ridiculous.

Fuck you, Discovery


Honeymoon (2014) is a tense thriller that would be a great movie if it had a bigger ending.

A romantic honeymoon in remote lake country takes a sinister turn, when the groom finds his bride disoriented and wandering in the woods at night.

Costars Rose Leslie from Game of Thrones.

Streaming free on Tubi as well as Prime if you don’t want ads.

Bottoms will be on Prime tomorrow. There has not been a funnier slapstick comedy in years.


Just in time before our prime membership ends soon. I wanted to re-watch cause there is a lot of funny stuff in the frame and I think it will be one of those comedies you can re-watch and keep picking up stuff.

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Yeah, I watched it a second time (I saw digital copies were selling for $5 on special for a time and I picked it up) months after my theater viewing of it, kind of fearing that maybe it wouldn’t be as funny on second go, and it not only held up but actually maybe got even funnier.

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That movie is honestly the only one I stopped to consider when pondering the thought of “is Bottoms the funniest comedy since Bridesmaids in 2011?”


It’s so good. The others I’d nominate as second but still quite funny are Good Boys and Blockers, the latter of which took a surprising swing at LGBTQ rep.