Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I did this once so now I always check the poster at the theatre entrance to make sure it’s the right one.

It was weird - there was no signage at any of the theater doors. I’m pretty sure they have LED displays above each door, but none of them were on.

Watched Cinema Paradiso and inched closer to having the full top 50 of IMDb’s top 250 watched (Harakiri and Grave of the Fireflies remain). This was great. It’s not overly common for me while watching a movie to stop several times to notice just what an elite score it has, but this was an instance of it. I look it up afterward and am utterly unsurprised to find that one of the all-timers, Ennio Morricone, was responsible.

Beyond the score, the film itself slots nicely into the upper tier among the best coming-of-age stories I’ve seen. Perhaps shouldn’t have dragged my feet so long before getting to this one, but I can probably appreciate the emotional beats better in middle age than I would have during my twenties.

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Not really plausible. The Florida Alliance is just the Deep South, but it’d probably take the Carolinas with it. The Western Forces seems about right geographically, but Washington and Oregon and very different from Idaho and Utah.

California and Texas teaming up but not being connected via New Mexico and Arizona? Nah not happening. The reason it would happen would be via the Colorado River which means New Mexico Colorado and Arizona would have to be coming long.

Pretty sure in the civil war scenario that the upper peninsula is leaving Michigan.

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Someone said “Yea Alaska agreeing with Hawaii and New York, that’s not realistic.” but like when you look at the map normally you don’t even notice Alaska and Hawaii I think the movie makers didn’t give a thought to Alaska or Hawaii and just left them the default color.

probably done on purpose so they could avoid the “this movie is too woke/right wing!” discourse that would inevitably come if it was based on realistic US politics.

IMO if there is a civil war it will be by Hardees/Carl’s Jr states:

Canada can have New England


The trailer hits a little too close to my worst case scenario day dreams.

Maybe they aren’t actually allies

Maybe one of the states took over the other, or plans to double-cross its supposed compatriot after the war is won. Maybe the “Western Forces” are some sort of false-flag disinformation campaign concocted by the president to justify his power grab. We don’t have the whole picture. That’s why Dunst’s reporter needs to do some digging—and why we need more than two minutes of the movie to resolve this mystery.

This one seems most likely.

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Odd here they always have a poster at the door.

Someone make this happen. Please.

Ok. Clam chowder rules.

So learned in the last couple of years that the textile mills of NE drew lots of labor from Quebec (I have lots of DNA matches in those towns).

So much so that prior America First types were fanning the flames that the “Papists” were working to combine Quebec and NE into a catholic breakway nation.

Banned French in school among other things. Everything old is new again.

oh wow, you’re in for a treat with Harakiri, that’s a top-tier samurai movie.

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Yeah, it actually sits #1 overall on the Letterboxd Top 250, I definitely will watch it, it just doesn’t tend to be available on streaming for as long as I’ve been periodically checking for it. At some point I just need to put in for a library copy of it I guess.

Went and saw GM1. First movie I’ve seen by myself in quite a while.

Its fantastic. If you had told me a Godzilla movie would have pulled as much emotion out of me as this one did I would have called you a liar. If you ever plan to see this at any point (and I encourage you to, likely in a theater) then do not read the following spoilers.

I guessed, and wish I hadn’t, both the ejection seat twist, and the girlfriend being alive twist, though I kept second guessing myself on the second one because really, who the hell was going to survive what she went through. Does she have superpowers now? Was she protected by a nuclear envelope as she soared through the air at 2000 mph? Regardless, the suspension of disbelief was worth they payoff.

Wonderful movie, great heart pumping action scenes. The CGI/practicals (I assume majority CGI, but I can imagine a lot of this being done well with miniatures) was really really impressive. Godzilla is properly scary as he should be.

The torment of the country following the war and the quest for normalcy is presented really really well, especially in the scene where the civilians come together to fight against the threat.

Highly recommended, my second favorite movie experience this year behind Spiderverse 2.


As someone who is a bigger critic than most in the realm of “what the fuck, do NOT tell me that character is still alive after that,” I really didn’t have an issue with her surviving (beyond the obvious point that I wanted it to be the case). All we really could tell from what we saw before she left camera was that she was in for a nasty spill, which happens since she does get seriously hospitalized.

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True, I’m guessing she was comatized with no way of identifying her which is why it took so long for a telegram to reach him, but I was pretty convinced she was dead up until the telegram arrived which is when my brain went… ohhhhhhhhh, she’s alive isn’t she? So fair fucks to em, I was convinced she was dead for the majority of acts 2 and 3.

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