Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Longlegs is overhyped
3/5 for me
Hard to say more without getting into spoilers

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Letterboxd reviews deliver sometimes.


Goodfellas is my favorite movie of all time.


I almost watched it again last night. I am now a big fan.


Tell me I’m not alone 1) as a True Lies fan 2) Avatar is Not Very Good

(I think True Lies is decent, FWIW, particularly as directors’ therapy sessions masquerading as mainstream movies go.)

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I remember liking it ok. But not enough that I’d ever rewatch it if it wasn’t for the rewatchables.

Maybe I’m just in a bad mood because of Trump, but I didn’t really enjoy Twister or the Rewatchables on it.

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finally got around to watching the 2005 pride&prejudice (despite all gender stereotype, it took over a year to convince my gf to watch it with me), was very enjoyable

Seeing movies like these 20 years after release is great because every actor is familiar. tom wambsgans as Mr. Darcy is such perfect casting, I laughed every time he appeared on screen to make a brooding face in the first hour.
(I feel like the movie loses a little steam once both leads start smiling more, the romantic part, while still enjoyable, is not quite as good as the comedy)

I also realized I haven’t seen Keira Knightley in anything recently, even though she used to be in so many movies. (looking at her bio she still seems somewhat active, so it might just be me)


True Lies is great and I never saw or will see Avatar so i can dig the take.

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Indeed. It’s one of those movies that punches way above it’s weight. If the tone and performances aren’t exactly correct, then it would be a terrible movie.

Avatar is an interesting comparison, because it’s an objectively bad movie on things we should care about (flimsy plot, light weight themes, pedestrian acting) but it is a “good” movie solely on production values. I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it.

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It should be said that the comparison was actually to a hypothetical True Lies 2, so whatever you think of True Lies, you have to implement an expected quality drop-off of 20%. Yes, occasionally a sequel is as good as or even better than the original, but I think the 20% expectation is how a person would have to go into it. It’s the most likely thing you’re getting.

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One good recent bit of casting of Matthew MacFadyen is his one-scene role in the Julia Garner movie The Assistant (which is a good movie).


He plays a sleazy HR guy, which is essentially him running back Wambsgans in another universe without - I assume - the same wealth or powerful connections. I’m sure he’d probably like to escape the Wambsgans name just to keep a wider array of career options, but this one-scene cameo was great.

Then we can at least agree Avatar 2 was worse, and Avatar 5 will be the lowest part of the franchise.

I definitely enjoyed it, but it was not nearly as scary or gory as it was hyped up to be. My wife hates scary movies, but was willing to see it and she didn’t think it was that bad at all (in terms of scariness). Still good, though. More of a tense thriller than outright scarefest.

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Felt like basically the same movie to me.

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I did think it was a bit weaker, yeah. They’ve kept up a quality level where I’ll certainly be in for Avatar 3, but I don’t hesitate to pull the plug on an ongoing franchise if I feel like they’ve dipped below a standard I want to watch without any particular reason to believe they’ll get better. So TBD as to whether I’ll even watch Avatar 5. I try - and surely sometimes fail, but hopefully succeed more often - to avoid letting my completist tendencies get the better of me. I hate it when studios just keep printing money whether they keep the franchise quality up or not.

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OK I have upped the ante on the lengths to which I will go in order to watch a really bad movie.

Not available to stream anywhere, which I feel like is pretty hard to do these days. Made me all the more eager to see it.


I saw it way back when and enjoyed it.

The Teachers’ Lounge (one of the Best International Feature nominees from this past year) is on Netflix now. Good movie. It seems, uhh, less than ideal for American viewership that Netflix has seemingly only added it under its German name.