Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Simmons kind of got on my nerves until the Rewatchables. I think he’s a comedic genius on that pod. The others come in with their canned lines, especially Chris, and Simmons just rips zingers off the cuff.

I feel like now I get how the guy started so many successful enterprises. He’s got a unique brain.

I just hate Simmon’s voice, and the fact he clearly came of age during the Rome years. Ive always enjoyed his writing but it will take me some time to get used to his voice if I ever start the pod.

Yeah I have the AMC pass thingamajig too, I get good value out of it. There’s usually around 3 movies a month worth seeing. IMAX and Dolby being free is the key. My theater is one of the most expensive in the country, but I pay the same pass fee.

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I have 0 AMCs in our area, and none of the chains around here have this type of deal or Id likely go in for it.

I have two AMC gift cards, one for $100 and one for $50, that I believe can easily be transmitted electronically. I never go to AMC and would happily let them go for 50% off!

Proprietor in a greasy, mustard-stained wife-beater and thumbing nonchalantly through the directory, when briefly, there’s a slice of pizza between pages of the index, “oh yeah, Mister Greaseball.”

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I don’t think a 3-month minimum is unreasonable at all…assuming it was clearly disclosed. :thinking:

No, I wasn’t complaining about their practices if that’s how you read it. They basically took exactly the measure they needed to in order to stop people like me from just exclusively airdropping into the best movie months.

I don’t actually know how well it was disclosed though. I didn’t look because I wasn’t going to fuss about it. I was definitely 100% unaware of it when I completed my sign-up, but I can be remarkably oblivious.

Barbie (2023)

What’s wrong with Matchbox 20? Going to assume they couldn’t get the rights to Wonderwall though.

I got caught by it too and I’d say it wasn’t disclosed enough. I got the A list assuming it was a monthly reoccurring thing. From a business perspective I’m not mad about it, they have to do that to avoid a Moviepass situation, but I’d prefer they say it up front and in bold print.

Is it a hot take to be completely sick of Seth Rogen? I don’t hate him, I’ve just had enough and don’t need to see or hear him ever again.

I’m sick of how he spells Rogen with an ‘e’. It never looks right.

No, I can see it. I don’t really find him grating in the way that it sounds like you do, but he could go away and I would shrug.

I think the whole country got sick of Seth Rogen around Green Hornet time.

I’ve kind of pushed through the other side and find him ok now.

C-c-combo breaker

Imo Seth Rogen knew his time as THAT guy was going to come to an end way back when he made Superbad and realized he was already too old to play the lead character (so he played one of the cops next to Bill Hader). The jokes just land differently when you’re thirty and forty and older than when you’re perceived as a ballsy teenager fucking the system with every drag.

He’s a creative genius tho, and I think we will see him continue to move into a producing role where he makes your story pop with a rewrite.

Same content, different lead actor, audiences respond as though the jokes are not the same. The machine continues.

I think I’m inclined to see Jack Black the way LFS sees Rogen. I’ve really had way more than my fill of Jack Black.

I can totally see that. I think I feel about him the way the rest of you seem to feel about Rogen.

Something about him showing up in a goofy costume in the latest season of The Mandalorian pushed me over the edge. It felt like I jumped forward in time 20 years and he was still just cranking out the unfunny Fellowship of the Ring council parody video in different forms.