Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

“I’ll…tell your waiter…!”

And when he runs to Greg’s room screaming hello I’m in pain aren’t you people supposed to take care of pathetic losers like me?!?!!

It’s sort of like Jerry Maguire facing a group of bitter divorcees in order to ask Dorothy to forgive him. It’s not that the thing he had to do as a grand gesture was literally epic, but it feels epic because for that specific character, the action represents them stepping into the most vulnerable situation their character has ever faced.

But they do it because, as Melvin says, the other person makes them strong and brave and motivated.

My local Goodwill thrift shop has once again delivered mana from heaven for $2: a DVD copy with the director’s commentary :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Here’s the guy I thought was a more charming Johnny Depp for a long time.


Tidbit #1: the line in the psychiatrist’s office when Melvin says “what if this is as good as it gets?” was not the 90s thing where you had to say the title of the movie; the composer Hans Zimmer said after seeing the movie that they should change the title from “Old Friends” to that line Melvin says in the psych office.

“I need a suit and tie.”
“Alright, well come on in.”

I’ll say I don’t think either option is a particularly good title for the movie, but between those two they made the correct choice. Admittedly I don’t have a suggestion for anything better either, but it just never struck me as all that fitting for the movie.

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YES! There are a bunch of movies like that where you see the movie and understand how many people didn’t see the movie because they couldn’t get past the title.

There’s also sometimes the rare movie that no one sees because the trailers were awful, but the movie itself is amazing.

What’s the best title for As Good As It Gets? IDK, but I think we could spitball a bunch of better options within seconds.

The airbrusher got overtime pay on that.

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Haha that’s what they want you to think :flushed:



Paul got a nose job some time after 2010 that’s for sure

Surely just from leftover Pym particles

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Sean Penn goat. Penn Goat @RiskyFlush

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feel dumb for not previously password sharing now that netlfix is charging me $17/month



The mfker actually did it. A true scholar.

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Love SNESDrunk. Good channel for some nostalgic game dopamine

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Excellent Rewatchables this week redoing A Few Good Men. Bill riffing on Markinson’s suicide note had me losing it.

Kevin Bacon’s character might be the most likable in that whole movie.

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Part of “Sound of Freedom’s” box-office success has been a campaign from filmmakers to urge moviegoers to buy tickets that can be claimed online for future screenings by those who may not be able to afford them. Angel Studios calls the model “pay it forward” and has sold nearly 14 million of these tickets since the film’s release, according to the studio’s website.

So at the average US ticket price of around $10, about $140 million (or around 94% of the gross) is from this pay it forward scheme

I listened to it while out running this morning, laughed out loud several times, and at one point ended up accidentally veering off the path into some plants that I hope weren’t poison ivy. Absolutely A+++ episode.

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I will say that I for some reason never stopped to process what an insanely stupid legal mistake it is for them to have had Downey take the stand in his own defense. Absolutely bonkers stuff from this prodigy of a trial attorney that Cruise was supposed to be.

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I don’t understand this at all.