Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

There is so much unnecesary fucking slo mo in that movie.

Not to mention the “I just met you and now am desperately, helplessly in love with you” plotline.

And oh yeah, the main love interest being dropped off by helicopter in Syndney and then WALKING TO THE COASTAL CLIFFS somehow faster than two people on motorcycles.

This initially made me wonder whether “necessary slo-mo” is a thing. Don’t worry; it didn’t take me long to arrive at an answer.

I don’t want to imagine how jarring it would be to watch that scene with Kujan’s mug drop just happening at normal speed.


Patience, my friend. The good shit is still in production. :heart_eyes:

hard disagree that this is a thing (at least in a John Woo movie), but yeah if you don’t like the style the movie doesn’t have much else to offer…

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It’s not even in the top 10 Bollywood shots you heathen



Do you have any brief stories

IDK if he’d have made a better Wolverine, but he’s the damn tits alongside Drew Barrymore in Ever After


I could gaf about the rest of the new DC movies casting, but I will be there opening day for Nathan Fillion as Guy Gardner/Green Lantern

Never get off the boat. Kurtz got off the boat. He split from the whole fucking program.

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Add another movie to the bearer bonds list!

  1. Die Hard
  2. Cliffhanger
  3. Beverly Hills Cop
  4. Mission Impossible

What am I forgetting? Fucking bearer bonds man, always lead to trouble.

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Another unattended vault with lasers and multiple crazy high-tech security gizmo protections. Wouldn’t it be a lot cheaper to just hire a few guards to sit in the vault in rotating shifts?

Oh now she sits so close she’s literally touching the guy in a crowded cafeteria and he doesn’t think that’s weird? A CIA guy?

Panic Room




Point Blank





Alex Winters has suddenly had a wait that’s fascinating arc.

Began his career co starring opposite Keanu Reeves in Bill & Ted, years later was the villain in a weird but awesome thriller starring Elijah Wood from the director of La La Land, and now he has delivered a showstopping documentary on the perils of the algorithm.

The YouTube Effect, the documentary by Alex Winter had its world premiere at the Tribeca Festival on June 11, 2022, in the Spotlight Documentary section. The film takes viewers on a timely and gripping journey inside the cloistered world of YouTube and parent Google.

The film, presented by Olive Hill Media and produced by Valhalla Entertainment, Trouper Productions and Zipper Bros., investigates YouTube’s rise from humble beginnings in the attic of a pizzeria to its explosion onto the world stage, becoming the largest media platform in history and sparking a cultural revolution, while creating massive controversy in the age of disinformation.

Do you see your favorite YouTuber in the trailer lineup?

Wish I could make it to a screening in LA!


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Finally got around to seeing Knock at the Cabin. It’s possible this was explained but

How is the surviving dad going to live happily ever after leaving a cabin with 5 dead bodies, one of which is his husband and presumably there is evidence that he rented it. I guess they showed the place burning down, but they’re still gonna find remains, right? And dead dad’s parents or other family members aren’t going to be asking questions? Just don’t see how he is able to just walk away. I guess we have to assume that whatever supernatural force put them in that predicament just takes care of it.
