Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Field of Dreams

Obviously the primary takeaway is that Costner was remarkably chill about his brother-in-law almost killing his daughter.

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Godā€™s power juxtaposed with some curls, nga

do you think He will provide a lamb instead of you?! take me home and put me to bed

this society offers him mutual funds and rich, successful, brilliant Jews to target

and the Mets to laugh at

waiter, watch party for one

Wait the sphinx is in Mexico?

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Eh, not terrible. Iā€™m sure it really packed a wallop for the 60% of the country or w/e who believe in ghosts.

I started believing in ghosts. I had three objects fall off a shelf in consecutive nights with no rhyme or reason. I have decided ghosts must be real. Why else would they fall? I spent all day staring at the shelf. These items never fall when I am there which is most of all days. Only after hours when nobody is there. Not ac or anything like that either.

You should have the douchey Ghost Adventurer guy come check it out.

Oh good idea. I bet their meters would go crazy.

Surely we have some fans of Roger Rabbit?

How about his wife Jessica???

An adaptation of a popular article I published with Fanfare just under a year ago.

Why be mad at the movie when you can also be mad at the TV show for free

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Wow this is an impressively bad idea.

Mission Impossible was as good as the reviews say.


Nice. Im gonna hit it on the Imax this week

I missed the original Mission: Impossible, and then I saw MI-2 in the theaters because a friend wanted to. It wasnā€™t aggressively bad, but it was a whole lot of nothing. As we departed the theater, I said, ā€œThat was okay, I guess.ā€ My friend said, in an upbeat tone, ā€œYeah, it was entertaining.ā€

And while that was not the first time I had heard the ā€œentertainingā€ bit, I pretty much trace that universal backhanded compliment back to specifically MI-2 every time now. Someone says a movie is entertaining, and then I sigh and think with smug contempt, ā€œOh, itā€™s MI-2, is it? So it ranges from actually terrible to passable but totally missable? I see.ā€

I havenā€™t revisited the franchise otherwise, though Iā€™m given to believe that I really should watch the original sometime.

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I think its the best recent movie franchise with 3+ films.

Genuinely not a ton of great options, Harry Potter is there and a few others.

But once McQ took over they got so good.

PSH in 3 is one of the better movie villains ever, even if that movie is too Abrams-y

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MI:2 sucked balls, Iā€™m just gonna say that right here.

MI:1 was brilliant, greatly respected the audienceā€™s intelligence, just a masterwork spy thriller, A+.


The last couple were near perfect action movies especially Fallout. MI:2 was John Woo and definitely has a different vibe, I donā€™t rate it too highly in the series.

I rewatched the series last summer and I think I was commenting on them in here. Donā€™t remember my exact thoughts but I wouldnā€™t be surprised if 2 was my least favorite although 3 may take that spot. My memory kind of sucks

Iā€™m watching the original now. Bored so far. But itā€™s picking up.

Goddammit I sat through all of Friday Nights Lights thinking there was a rewatchables on it, and no, they just did every other dumb sports movie ever. I think I mixed it up with Blue Chips in my mind.