Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

I think I’ve only seen a movie multiple times in theaters just a couple of times. The LoTR I all saw twice and I think I saw Crouching Tiger something like three times in four days, that move rules.

No, the watching sports regularly without adopting a favorite team thing is weird, but this seems normal. I wouldn’t think of doing such a thing today.

I might go see Spiderverse two for a second time if my wife gets a wild hair to see it, otherwise the last movie I saw twice in theaters was Titanic (6 times I think) cause I was getting my mack on

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Watching Commando now, one of the worst continuity gaffes I’ve ever seen (so bad I remembered it from the last time watching it) - when they drive off in the Porsche that should be totally wrecked on the driver’s side, but it’s completely clean.

Ok damn the Rewatchables guys to hell for deciding this is a rewatchable movie but Braveheart isn’t. This is horrible.

Commando rules, and Kyle Brandt is an elite Rewatchables host. He’s only brought in for a specific niche (80s action cheese), but he’s got excellent chemistry with Simmons.

I do like Kyle Brandt. But you will never convince me that this movie, in fact, rules.

Do Under Siege instead.

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They had fond things to say about the ridiculous bus jump in Speed (a movie I otherwise think is great). Needless to say, they miss sometimes.

‘Don’t overdo the gloating sunbathing,’ she had said, but he was from a dying-red star.


I lost count how many times I saw Independence Day in theaters

I got the Luminary trial subscription specifically to listen to Rewatchables99 do Office Space. None of these guys have ever worked in an office like that and they clearly don’t get it.

I worked in two different mail rooms after college where I had to wear slacks, a dress shirt and a tie. To deliver the freaking mail. Casual Friday’s though - woo hoo.

Sean doesn’t get Milton at all JFC. He’s great as the straight guy to Bill and Chris. But he sucks w/o them on a funny movie.

Fletch was fun. I enjoyed it.


Renfield is loads of fun. Nothing like I was expecting.

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Different experience than the trailer or did you not see that? Been looking forward to it if it’s anything like the trailer.

I want to say I saw the trailer but I cannot recall a thing about it if that makes sense?

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It does in fact more sense than a lot

Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse


(10/10 directing)

Got back with the family and I loved it. Builds on the original and does not coast at all. This movie had more creativity packed in 10 minutes than most marvel movies could possibly ever have. Someone said that animation allows to tell super hero stories better than live action and it’s certain true here, the action is way cleaner and better than a CGI blob, but even in the non super hero moments the animation medium and acting combine to become something more. The medium allows certain things that wouldn’t be possible.

For instance there’s one scene where a father confronts his daughter, a scene that could happen in any movie, but the characters and background are drawn with more or less detail or in pencil or watercolor depending on their emotional states and shading radically changes throughout the conversation to combine to be something sublime that you couldn’t really get except in animation.

That’s why I think the directors should get best director. If you think the best director is one who takes the elements of a movie and combines them to become something masterful, then these guys really took comics and animation and commanded them to create something above and beyond.

On a story level, unlike most marvel movies, even with characters I like, the movie makes them seem alive rather than hey there’s a character I know doing something I know. I’d watch an episode about Mumbattan. What’s the story with the Spiderverse Cortana with a fuzzy jacket? Etc.

Again great movie. I might try and go back and watch it again.


It’s all ball bearings these days.

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Watching Training Day now. Worse actor - Dre or Snoop?

FWIW I know a dealer who has a get out of jail free card like Scott Glenn did (until Denzel pulled it). He drives around with a pile of coke on his lap all night, selling it. Never seen him get remotely nervous.

One time I was in the car with him and he’s like “that guy’s Beverly Hills PD” as the guy is walking towards us. I start to freak out a little. Then he says, “Don’t worry, he does more than all of us combined” and proceeds to sell to him.

One time I was in an illegal after-hours speakeasy. Some cops came in about a guy who died the week before who was connected to the speakeasy (but didn’t die at the speakeasy). The bartender brilliantly told the cops that we were having a wake for the guy who died. One young cop was looking around at what was clearly an illegal club with big wide eyes. The other cops knew what that place was. As long as they didn’t cause trouble, the cops didn’t care.

From what I’ve heard LA cops are like that. They’d rather have a dealer in place that doesn’t make waves than arrest him and start a turf war.