Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

I’ve never seen Fletch. I just remember it had a huge ass box at the video rental place.

a movie that for me is a grreat bad movie is Drag Me to Hell. For some folks the Romani stereotyping might be a dealbreaker, and fair enough. But that aside, for me it works in tons of ways. It’s Raimi so you know he’s gonna be in control of the pure cinema. Also it’s scary, it’s gross, it’s funny, it’s unnerving, it’s silly, it’s satisfying, if you want to do actual analysis then there’s the whole eating disorder angle which is definitely intentional. In short it works for film nerds and it also works for regular popcorn eaters who just want watch a fun summer flick. Who it usually doesn’t work for are folks who don’t enjoy or just don’t quite get camp. They are always bewildered by why I think this movie slaps.

And why I’m so excited to read that Drag me 2 Hell is officially maybe happening! Sorry if this is old news to yall but I just saw it ten minutes ago.

Another more recent movie that hits a lot of the same notes but for me is even a little stronger overall (and for sure more accessible) is Cabin in the Woods

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I’m sorry, did you just call Drag Me to Hell a bad movie?

Are you high?

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I don’t predict you’ll love Fletch. It’s pretty slow and more about great one liners you can repeat to your friends than actual funny moments. I enjoyed rewatching it for nostalgia but I wasn’t rolling around.

Stripes is on my list to rewatch so I can listen to the pod, and I keep resisting because I have a feeling I won’t like it. It was fine back in the day but also the least funny of those movies imo. I enjoyed Spies Like Us a lot more than Stripes. I hope they do that one some day.

Airplane! was the funniest movie made for 20+ years. I saw it recently and for the first time didn’t crack up. Still an incredible movie though.

How dare you.

My friends and I spoke Caddyshack in high school. There were whole days I don’t think we spoke a word to each other that wasn’t in one of the character’s voices. We must have been quite annoying.

Hmm, okay. Probably good as an expectation-setter. I’ll still watch it fairly soon just to see for myself.

I’m still annoyed at them for not understanding that the Predator was just on a hunting excursion, and not noticing that Ed Harris’ team used non-lethal darts in the original raid to get the weapons in The Rock.

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I disagree with Suz’s assessment here. I think you’ll enjoy it. It is slow, but the pace actually helps the jokes land. Chevy’s timing is pretty impeccable.

I don’t know anything about this podcast you guys are mentioning but those are some terrible things to not notice or know.

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I saw this recently for the first time.

Thumbs down. Maybe LKJ is right and comedy only works super well in the era it was written for. Have you tried to watch Billy Madison, or There’s Something about Mary lately?

Those films used to slay me completely. They are near unwatchable now. Some things from that era hold up (Tommy Boy, Happy Gilmore) but I think thats because their stories are timeless. Buddy road trip, humorous underdog sports movie, etc.

Its hosted by Bill Simmons, former boston sports columnist turned humorist turned podcast empire maker. He runs The Ringer network.

He’s… fine. I enjoy him about 9837402743864 times more in text than I do in audio.

It’s generally a great podcast. I resisted it for a long time, but now I’m obsessed with keeping up with watching movies so I’ll have a pod to listen to when I walk to the gym. I’ll be very sad when I get caught up. But that’s like 75 movies so it will take a while.

If you’re curious and have watched Boogie Nights recently, start with that one imo.

Not a Simmons fan at all, I might find a movie I really like and give it a shot though.

Yeah I knew Something about Mary wouldn’t hold up. And I was never into the Sandler movies much, but Gillmore was the most entertaining.

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It’s been a bit since I’ve seen There’s Something About Mary, but man oh man it would disappoint me if I ever stopped enjoying it. I think I set a personal record for times seen in the theater with that one because it was just that hilarious.

I still trot out “my real passion is my hobby” without saying the follow-up line. I also go through life searching for the rare perfect moment where I can tell someone, “Yeah, I’ll, uhh, take a bundt cake if you’ve got one.”


Simmons always annoyed the crap out of me. But I love him on this pod. He’s hilarious.

Do Mallory Rubin or Jason Concepion ever show up? I loved Binge Mode when it was running and then they killed it

Mallory is on sometimes and is always a welcome panel member. Jason left the Ringer some time ago, so I wouldn’t expect him to pop back up.

Ahhhhhh, that must be why they killed the pod. Bummer, I always enjoyed his work

Narrowed it down to Con Air, Friday or Training Day. I know those movies so well I don’t need to watch them before listening.

Funny they did Den of Thieves, I’ve seen it multiple times but I didn’t think anyone knew or cared about that one.