Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Thought it was great also

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(although they would need a lot more De Palma nods to make me watch a movie about shoe marketing tbh :stuck_out_tongue: )

Seeing a lot of non-MCU fans saying that gotg3 is really good, so it’s a bit disheartening that they can’t get Clovis on board lol…for those who have seen it, can it be followed/enjoyed without having seen any of the recent ones ?


The story is fairly self-contained to the Guardians. Even if you’ve just seen Guardians 1 and 2 you’d be able to follow along. One aspect of the plot will be much clearer if you’ve also seen Infinity War and Endgame.


Lol nice

It’s amazing from a screenplay perspective too. A ton of wow wtf setups and payoffs across the spectrum of lol tiny callbacks to short but significant dialogue that is like the prep talk in a heist movie before they risk it all for one last job.

Got me watching The Last Dance again today. I want to see Michael’s story again. Which is like my complaint about the movie. Despite the central figure beyond the shoe, it is a big loaf of white bread. Some incredible cameos and co stars tho.

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Part of it was I had zero idea what was going on or who anyone was.

Supposedly you have to have watched some Christmas special lol.

How the fuck is there a marvel Christmas special?

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Yeah, what nit said. Watch the other Guardians movies plus Infinity War and Endgame.

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Not sure I can bring myself to watch a movie about a shoe, but this thread has me interested.

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The full meaning of the title “Air” hit me only once I rewatched the first episode of The Last Dance. Obviously it’s about the Air Jordan sneaker, but it’s also about the essence of greatness. I thought for a moment about the big twist in the documentary Icarus just before the Russian stuff creates a huge detour. The guy understands that even if he’d begun training at a young age and taken steroids under a physician’s care, he would NEVER have excelled at cycling like Lance Armstrong.

Michael Jordan is an expression of this greatness in basketball and a lot more.

Usually, the saying goes that when standing next to a great man, we are all lucky to be breathing the same air as them. But the quote in The Last Dance goes differently.

They say instead that we are all breathing the same air. Michael Jordan breathes our air, too. He just does something different with it.

The movie Air has also got Viola Davis as Michael Jordan’s mom. She steals EVERY scene with her voice.

And Chris Tucker in a glorious return in a mostly-improvised role as Howard White.

His first film in seven years!!!

And that was Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk in 2016. Silver Linings was eleven years ago in 2012. How the **** was Silver Linings Playbook that long ago? And Friday was in the 90s. Jesus. We all old.

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Oh holy shit, SLP has the worst third act of any movie I have ever seen.

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I mean, read this fucking wiki summary.

"Patrizio Sr., hoping to open his restaurant, has resorted to illegal bookmaking. Having bet most of his money on a Philadelphia Eagles game, he asks Pat to attend for good luck. So, Pat asks Tiffany for time off from practice to attend the game. She gives him a typed reply from Nikki, which cautiously hints they may be able to reconcile. Before entering the stadium, Pat and his brother Jake get into a fight with some racist fans and are hauled away by the police. The Eagles lose the game, and Patrizio is furious.

When Patrizio claims that the Eagles lost because of Tiffany being involved in Pat’s life, she refutes his allegations by pointing out that the Philadelphia teams had done better whenever she and Pat were together. Convinced, Patrizio makes a parlay with Randy: If the Eagles win their next game and Tiffany and Pat score five out of ten in their dance competition, he will win back double the money he lost on the first bet.

Pat is reluctant, so Tiffany, Dolores, and Patrizio conspire to persuade him to dance in the competition, telling him Nikki will be there. Noticing that the letter from Nikki also refers to “reading the signs”, a phrase frequently used by Tiffany, he realizes that she wrote the letter.

Tiffany, Pat, and their friends and family arrive at the competition on the night of the football game. Tiffany despairs when she sees Nikki in the audience, invited by Ronnie and his wife [Tiffany’s sister] Veronica. They want Nikki to lift her restraining order on Pat and give them the chance to reconcile. Tiffany starts to drink heavily at the bar.

Pat finds Tiffany moments before their dance and drags her onto the dance floor. They begin their routine as the Eagles defeat the Dallas Cowboys. After their set, Tiffany and Pat receive an average score of exactly 5.0 points, amid cheers from friends and family and confused looks from the crowd.

Pat approaches Nikki and whispers into her ear. When Tiffany sees this she runs off, so Pat leaves Nikki and chases her. He hands her a letter, in which he admits to knowing she forged the letter. He confesses that he loved her from the moment he met her, though it took him a long time to realize it. :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: They share a kiss. Patrizio opens a restaurant with the money he has won, and Pat and Tiffany begin a relationship, no longer wearing their wedding rings."

I mean, what the fuck is this bullshit? The dumbass typed letter either A) Makes the lead look like a fucking moron, or B) Assumes the audience is a drooling mass of idiots. The bookie for some reason takes a parlay on a FUCKING DANCE CONTEST. Why is Tiffany blamed for Bradley Cooper getting into a fight before the Eagles game? Fuck if I know.

None of this, not a single fucking thing in this movie makes a damn bit of sense. I guess Richard Brody and I are the two sane people on the planet.

“Richard Brody found Linings perhaps to “be the year’s most artificial film” and “the plot […] utterly ridiculous.”[68] In a rare step outside the magazine’s typical practices, Brody revisited the film and wrote a supplementary review, once again condemning it as having “no characters but sets of switches, each of which has a binary set of options and all of which have to line up for things to come out right.”[69] Brody wrote, “I’m finding it hard not to make fun of the film’s highly constructed and narrow-bore array of givens, of plot points and their resolutions.”[69]”

I love that he went back with the idea of "How can so many people love this shit. a fucking 81 on Metacritic and 92 on RT? Better go back and give it another watch and make sure I didn’t miss anything… NOPE, still fucking garbage. Probably more so than the first time.

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Its long, long time ago. 40 years ago, in fact. A hushed movie audience is taking in the biggest event of the year. 30 minutes goes by, and a young man stands up and loudly proclaims, “What the fuck is going on in this movie? What is this slug thing? Laser swords would not work like that! I’m getting a refund!” and walks out. The audience applauds wildly and follows him out. That man’s name?


Neil deGrasse Tyson


Jared Leto Strikes Again

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Christmas special provides the context of “why are they living on the planet that looks like a skull” but really isn’t important.

You cant want these movies to be actually good, with character arcs, emotional arcs and then be like “well, didn’t get this one because I haven’t seen the first 2 in a trilogy.”

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I want to double like this post!!!

NPR thought Guardians was trash and Red Letter Media loved it. Not the expected run out!

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Batmaaaaaaannnnnnnnn nana nana nana nana nana