Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

This is on the agenda for us for Friday night. I live relatively close to Lightfoot’s hometown, when he died a lot of people around here acted like a family member died. “Beloved” is overused a but when it comes to celebrities but he was a real source of pride for people here.

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That’s awesome. Hope it’s a good time remembering and enjoying the man and music.

The statue of him in his hometown is awesome.

The details in the maple leaves are interesting.

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I need for these posters to be real movies.

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Went on vacation and watched some movies on the way there and way back. Very quick reviews:

Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris - I wouldn’t call this bad, but it was super disposable and got too cutesy in parts.

Casablanca - Had never seen this, so figured why not? Very good movie. Probably a bit overrated in the landscape of pop culture, but that’s a pretty minor complaint.

Ford v Ferrari - I like to watch all the Best Picture nominees before Oscar night, but for some reason just never got around to seeing it. A better movie than I expected given the subject matter.

The Town - Fine, I guess. Was hoping for better for some reason. Ending was nonsense.

The Menu - Amazing. I can’t believe this got zero Oscar nominations.


I liked the menu a lot as well



Bet Kevin Smith is kicking himself now for not accepting the gig to write Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian

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Watching They Live on Tubi for family movie night. This movie goes hard with a message that’s as relevant now as ever. 5 bags


Great example of a move that was awful at release but just keeps getting better with age. So campy and fun

The fight scene is top notch.


I was always disappointed that the fight scene wasn’t several minutes longer.


I got the 4K on sale a while back and still haven’t rewatched. Has a commentary with Carpenter and Piper which will probably be fun. The Thing commentary was good

Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is fantastic.

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I had time to kill before our flight so got convinced to go watch this.

About an hour in I choose to leave and play my on phone in the lobby it was so awful.

I can’t think of a redeeming quality it had.

Different strokes. :grin:

In this case one person watched the whole movie and had a different opinion lol.

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Air is on Prime now and it’s as good as they say. Like Jerry Maguire for basketball. Matty D and Batfleck deliver.


Nice. Will save for my trip (Somehow doing India/Bulgaria back to back to weeks).

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I literally ended the post with an acknowledgment that people can have different opinions. :man_shrugging: