Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Speaking of Bruce Willis, saw this ad on Twitter. He’s the only actor mentioned in the tweet, but he’s only in the 30 second video for a split second and he’s just sitting at a table saying nothing.

Saw Lightyear with the family for Father’s Day. It’s everything I want in a movie to watch with kids. A great time was had by all.

Anyone get triggered and walked out?

Not in my theater

Well that’s disappointing. C’mon Jim Bob IV, we ain’ts be watching’ two girls be kissin” less they’s related.

Is Tim Allen not doing the voicework distracting at all?

But this is the movie the toy Buzz Lightyear came fr…never mind. :slight_smile:

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Jerry & Marge Go Large

Bryan Cranston figures out a flaw in the lottery that guarantees a win if you bet enough. Very nice movie. Nothing amazing, but just a nice, fun, feel good flick.

This is based on a true story, think it was the Atlantic or something but a very good long read.

Here it is. Interesting story for sure.

That town is half an hour from where I grew up. I’ve read this before but it shocks me everytime I read it. Just hopped in the car and drove 700 miles to get a cut of what the MIT group was doing.

Must have been quite the run on RVs and boats in the area.

The movie has the “based on a true story” thing at the beginning and then follows up with facts and photos of the real life Jerry & Marge at the end.

The more my wife and I talked about it, the more plot holes/poor explanation there was in the movie (and the “villain” college student part was kind of dumb), but it’s fine. You don’t have to really worry about how the scheme worked or any “but wait…” questions, that’s not really the point. Just a nice, feel-good movie.

It does kind of feel like a PG Breaking Bad and there was definitely a nod to the series with one line.



I see what they were aiming for here. The plot is that prisoners’ agree to be experimented on for a more comfortable prison. The catch is that the drugs do various things to them; make them intensely scared, make them horny, make them aggressive, etc. The guy leading the experiments is a wunderkind genius type who’s less of a scientific method guy and more of a move fast and break things guy.

The problem is that they needed to ramp up the pitch black humor and drama up to an 11 and they don’t. Apparently the book they adopted this from does, but in the movie the protagonist, Miles Teller, is broadly sympathetic, and the antagonist, Chris Hemsworth, while being a bit dark is either unable to or wasn’t allowed by the script to go full dark psycho while maintaining his charm, as such he’s just plain villainy.

So watch it if you want or don’t. It’s a good hangover movie I guess.

The Huff Post article explains the ins and outs of the arbitrage well enough, and explains how the college kids scooped them on the windfall.

Watched RRR today. Confirmed fun as shit.

If anyone is on the fence like I was initially, go watch it.


Just went into The Lounge on 2+2 for the first time in forever and poor Dominic is desperately trying to get anyone there to talk about RRR with no success.

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Did anyone ever invite Dom over here?

Only if he gets silenced for the entire football season

I am pretty sure yes.