Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Just saw top gun as well. On one hand, it’s undoubtedly propaganda for the continuing expansion of the military industrial complex (gotta compete with the non-existent 5th gen fighters!). On the other hand, it has Cruise running with his trademark perfect form.

Also, +1 to how they handled Val. Well done.

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I didn’t expect to have tears in my eyes during a Top Gun movie, but dammit, as soon as I saw this scene I was definitely emotional.

Yea I was born in 86, so a little young to grow up with Top Gun on repeat. But I still love and respect Val Kilmer and that was strangely moving.

I dont think its nostalgia as much as there are very few movies if you’re a ~35 year old person you could see it with your kids or parents and it would be enjoyable for everyone.

This does not strike me as too young

Finished RRR tonight. One of the greatest action-adventure movies ever made.

One character looks like an Indian John Belushi, except this version can dance. It’s not one of those movies where they break into song and dance every five minutes, but there is one dance number in the middle that is completely perfect. This scene has 84M views on youtube:


RRR is one of the most uncomporimising movies I’ve seen ever. It goes pure balls out in every scene.

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RRR 10/10
Top Gun 9/10

I’m not even that nostalgic over the first Top Gun, but just think it was elite for that type of film.

Can’t say they didn’t lean into it. The movie tells you what it is and then delivers.

Like I said before, it delivers a little too obviously for me but I can’t say I didn’t have great fun watching it.

Smile, you …


This Ezra Miller story is crazy and I dont really know what is real or not based on reports. Anybody got the skinny? Would they have to basically can the Flash film if this shit turns out to be true?

Saw Hustle on netflix last night. Solid movie, not perfect, it helps a lot if you’re an NBA fan. Sandler showing again that he’s an actual actor (although this performance wasn’t anything nearly as demanding as what he did in Uncut Gems).

Surely they could get Grant Gustin to fill in, idk why he wasn’t the first choice to be The Flash in the movies.

im pretty sure its like 95% finished

Just CGI Grant in like when Kevin Spacey got edited out of that movie.

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They’ve been in constant legal trouble, I think it’s dead in the water.

lol, it’s incredible how terrible DC is at making non-Batman movies.

Recent suicide squad and original wonder woman were fine.

The flash wasn’t supposed to come out for another whole year. It’s been in production since like before the TV show started in at least some form.

OK if you are a Columbo fan what you need to do is watch John Cassavetes’s A Woman Under the Influence starring Peter Faulk and imagine that it is the gritty Columbo prequel you never knew you needed. If you want the complicated backstory behind him and his wife, this is it.

Finally got around to RRR. I think the key to maximally enjoying it is to either know exactly what you’re getting into or alternatively having no expectations whatsoever. If someone just tells you, “Wow it’s great” and you’re expecting something similar to some other great movie you’ve seen, you are not going to be able to help but think, “WTF is this?”

All sorts of hilarity is present in the movie-making (especially the cartoonish CGI, which I didn’t mind honestly). One of the things I found funniest was how jacked the body doubles for the leads were compared to the actors themselves. However, all of these things inexplicably added to the enjoyment.

It was definitely a fun 3hrs. I will say that if I just saw it pre-release and someone asked me to predict how successful it would be, I’d have way underestimated.