Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

I’ve had Godzilla vs. Kong on in the background this afternoon because there is absolutely no way I’m not watching every Godzilla movie ever, and god it just looks like ass. In a billion-dollar kaiju movie, the monsters punching each other should at least look cool, this has the least convincing CGI I’ve seen in years surrounded by this obscene neon shit everywhere. You can’t even see the monsters, it’s just neon lights everywhere.

Brick comes dangerously close to being an absurd parody of itself, but it still makes you care about the characters and the story. It’s a lot like Knives Out in that respect.

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I’m fifteen minutes in and this movie is amazing. What a great recommendation.

The camerawork and action choreography are so tight, it’s incredible. I need to take a break. This shitty Van Damme movie has no business looking this good. It’s way too frenetic, though. I have absolutely no clue what’s going on.

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I finished The Green Knight today. Kind of weird, but not that weird for an A24 movie. I wasn’t familiar with the poem, and I was surprised to find out afterwards that certain plot points from the movie were actually based on the original story.

Did you like it/think the 7.0 imdb rating is about right?

Someone might be chopping onions in the room

Yeah I think that’s probably about right. Maybe a 7.5.

I watched a movie call Predestination yesterday. This movie has everything!
A mad bomber, transgender, time travel paradoxes, Ethan Hawk, a man with a burnt off face.


Also of interest for fans of Succession, this film stars a very young Sarah Snook.

Saw Roadrunner: A Film About Anthony Bourdain

Film definitely hit me in the feels hard but I’m grateful that they didn’t spend the whole documentary on his tragic end.

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I’m thinking of buying tickets for Sunday. Worth a theater visit for it?

Depends what your expectations are. If you’re a big fan, you won’t learn much about him that’s mind-blowing. I think people who know of him but not much will get a lot more out of the documentary.

That feeling when you go see a random movie you never heard of, enjoy it quite a lot, then read the reviews afterwards.

Hey, if you enjoyed it, nothing else matters.

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Top Gun and Mission Impossible pushing back to mid/late 2022…

Sometimes a sentence makes you laugh out loud

Villeneuve is in love with the scale of these subterranean beasties, each of which is half as long as the R.M.S. Titanic, and he frames them with such palpable awe that you almost expect the “Jurassic Park” theme to play every time they rear their butthole heads.

This whole review is a really fun read.

Yeah thats brutal but not really surprising. Related:

Rented out a theater so I could watch Shang Chi with my family. Also just really wanted to go to the movies. It was less expensive than I thought it would be, and I was able to get some Diet Cherry Coke from a Freestyle machine. Movie was pretty good as well. Some solid martial arts choreography and heavy Chinese fantasy elements.