Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Im about thirty minutes in and enjoying it so far. Ive never seen a single DC movie outside of the Nolan trilogy and I havent missed or been confused by anything so far.

Totally works as a standalone, imo. If you WERE going to watch anything as prep, I’d worry less about the recent Batman/Superman stuff and watch the first Suicide Squad, but even that is really unnecessary. The only things you really need to know from that movie are (1) the US government is building teams of superpowered criminals to go out and do dangerous missions and (2) Harley Quinn is awesome.

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A grimdark Harley Quinn origin story would be a pretty dope movie, but I don’t think anyone is bold enough to make it.

Don’t watch the rest.

Birds of Prey is above average, rest of the DC movies are just bad.

Apparently Gunn made this one good though.

Still no Great Lakes Avengers movie. :(

I’ll probably watch the rest at some point. I should add that I’ve seen the Christian Bale Batman movies. The DC movies I was referring to start with Superman. But yeah, sounds like Suicide Squad 2 can be standalone. I know the first one introduces Harley Quinn, but it’s probably not important, as long as we have some idea of who she is.

My wife is funny. She doesn’t know anything about comic books (nor do I, really), but very much enjoys all the Marvel movies. I’ve suggested watching some of the DC flicks (post-newish-Batman trilogy) even though they aren’t good, but she has this hangup on DC, saying DC sucks and Marvel is the best, even though she doesn’t really know shit about either. She’s a Marvel stan for absolutely no reason. And it has nothing to do with the DC movies not being well-regarded. She just thinks DC sucks.

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Has she seen the DC tv shows?

Uh DC does suck


No, but my daughter has enjoyed them.

Oh, I did see Shazam, which was very good. Shazam 2, btw, is just finishing filming in Atlanta. Tried to get my kids and I in it, but no dice. I believe Black Adam has finished or is getting close.

So I quite enjoyed this. That being said, its not much more than Guardians with different characters. That further being said Gunn does Guardians really really well, and Elba > Pratt imo, so it works well.


I like a lot of comic book movies (including Guardians of the Galaxy), but I thought the new Suicide Squad movie was kind of bad.

Pretty overrated, 20 minutes too long, Harley had nothing to do and was a waste of screen, no stakes at all. Beginning was clever? Next one make Harley and Ivy hook up I’ll pay attention then.

Still making my way through Criterion’s Neo-Noir collection. .Across 110th Street is an absolute gem, gritty noir/blacksploitation affair with a solid cast and shot almost 100% on location in Harlem, according to wiki.


Much better than any other DC movie but still quite mediocre.

I mean yeah like this was fine I guess but why are these movies so fucking long?! Why? Why does the harley quinn on her own segment need to last forever, why does she need to murder 50 hispanic men who run into the room she’s in so she can shoot them with guns pointed at them in slow motion? What is the point here? What is it showing? What are her “powers”? What does these types of scenes lead to?

But I guess there’s like a polka dot comic relief guy and a rat comic relief gal so uh its a good movie right?

The soundtrack for this is fantastic too.

Also, Yaphet Kotto just died a few months ago. RIP


Watched this after my last viewing of Jackie Brown.

The song
.absolute banger. Another reason why Jackie Brown is the goat Tino film.

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Watched Some Kind of Heaven last night.

I was kind of disappointed with it. You see that it’s co-produced by the New York Times and you think it’s sort of an exposĂ© on The Villages itself. Instead, it’s stories about a few people who haven’t enjoyed themselves there for reasons which are personally related to them rather than the place they’re in. These people would be miserable no matter where they were.

It’s not political in nature at all (though a recorded clip of Trump sneaks through when introducing The Villages). It’s also recorded in the before-COVID times. So, no masks on people. I guess if you want to remember what the world was like in the b-C era, then this might be fine.