Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

I watched this not too long ago (probably because The Rewatchables podcast featured it) and was pretty ambivalent about it. It was like a mashup of Miami Vice and Silence of the Lambs, both of which I love, but for me the combination wasn’t as good as the individual components.


Curious about “pig” as well. I’m trying not to get overly excited for it but this is not going to be easy, especially given I’ll have to wait a while before seeing it (no release date planned here yet sadly :frowning_face: )

“Manhunter” is another one on my watchlist. It got a few showings in theaters in Paris last fall and I tried to go but it was packed and I couldn’t get in.

BTW are you enough of a Mann fan that you can love “blackhat” ? I’m almost there but not quite :slight_smile:

As far as neo-noir goes I watched “the long goodbye” a few months ago and loved it (pretty unique laid back vibe, elliot gould is the best).

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Is “Romeo Is Bleeding” in that group?

You got me Jonesing for Criterion.

No. It has Brick, tho. Haven’t seen that one in ages.

Love The Long Goodbye. Another one from that era that’s great is Night Moves.

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Ugh, I want to see Pig but I’m worried it’s just going to be a pale imitation of Mandy, the Citizen Kane of Nic Cage revenge flicks.

Svengoolie is playing the Hammer version of The Mummy with Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee, two of the greatest bros in the history of cinema. Good times. Those guys made more than 20 movies together over 40 years.


This duo also has 20 movies together, each playing 18 different roles (two were sequels).


Sir Christopher Lee is basically my favorite actor. Dude absolutely loved being in terrible movies. He was also a huge LOTR nerd who had met Tolkien and he was super thirsty to be in Peter Jackson’s adaptation.

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Watched Moneyball while on a plane today.

I know it’s a movie, but they really stretched the truth and played up the drama way too much.

Not bad, but not great.

worked out pretty well imo

Saw Stardust and The Secret Life of Walter Mittey (2013) again recently and thoroughly enjoyed both (again).

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I was obsessed with Hammer Horror as a teenager but I was just at the mercy of whatever got put on British TV, so one of my favourite acts of pointless completism is having watched them all in chronological order. Cushing was always my favourite but Lee is similarly an absolute delight.

The earlier ones are the best, but I have a big soft spot for some of the later, sightly crazy ones. Cushing is particularly deranged in Twins of Evil where he plays a puritan maniac who gets his kicks burning unfortunates at the stake, until actual real vampires turn up.


In the US we had 4 channels. The 4th channel was channel 16 on the dial.

They were the odd man out and aired programs and movies to risqué for the other networks. I now consider this a golden age of my movie experience growing up on 70s cult classics like “Deathrace 2000” and “Creepshow.”

“Twins Of Evil” sounds awesome. Definitely on the list. Has a bit of a reverse “Shadow Of The Vampire” vibe to it.

ETA: “Creepshow” should be “Duel”. As in the duel my brain is having with sobriety.

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Watched Vertigo last night. It’s free with Amazon prime. I’ve seen it several times before, but this was the first time seeing it in HD, and the added sharpness and color were great. Pretty amazing how well Kim Novak pulls off the Madeline and Judy looks.

My daughter is usually critical of old effects shots, but she was completely taken in by the shot when Scotty and Judy kiss and the rear projection in the background transitions from her hotel room to the stables at the mission and back. “Wait, where are they?”

Some pretty bold filmmaking that still holds up.


My favourite film.

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Space Jam A New Legacy


I put the bar low for kid’s movies. It just needs to be ok for parents, but this is a joyless unfun movie trying to be fun and funny.

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Yea my kids liked it fine but shit sucked

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It’s crazy between Space Jam V Last Dance V Space Jam 2 its clear what a fucking generational icon Jordan was.