Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

It’s like the Liam Neeson movies, they are what they are with, with no apologies. A movie filled with head shots every third year or so is just enough.

I can catch them in tv. Watch a few minutes and then continue or turn the channel depending on my mood.

I just watched this movie for the first time ever, believe it or not. I can see why it’s such a cultural landmark. I did laugh a fair amount too, full disclosure.

ERMAHGERD, Big Lebowski on Netflix?

I gave this a preemptive heart, even those our tastes diverged sharply over flying milk snakes.

I must have watched the “leads” scene on YT at least 50 times, and I’ve laughed every single time.

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This is sort of a zombie/vampire hybrid so maybe that’s actually why, but it’s one of the best horror films ever made and I guarantee most haven’t seen it:


Yeah actually this was mentioned in the thread a while back by someone very familiar… Never would have seen it without that pointer though.

Agree 100% that it was great.

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Lol did I mention it already and forgot? I’m supposed to be decades away from senility.

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If so, might as well mention some others in that same vein:




Trigger warning for these though: not because they’re that bullshit shock-horror or torture-porn or even graphic at all, but they’re cerebral and have drug abuse and mental illness centered. So, not the type of horror you can finish and sleep soundly thinking, whew, good thing zombie werewolf tigers aren’t real!

I struggle where to put this film because as a whole, it’s just not that great, but the first third or so, no hyperbole, is some of the best stuff ever put to film:


Finally watched Yesterday, uh, yesterday, huge disappointment but yeah that dude is a beast. He’s one of those actors that’s almost too good for his own career where people forget they’ve seen him in a bunch of stuff.

Totally agree with your take on this film! Highly worth watching.

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I thought Yesterday was very enjoyable. Just a very pleasant movie with great music. And yeah, the guy who plays the roadie buddy is great. Found out later he was in Game of Thrones.

(I actually bought it on Blu-ray, but that was more because I wanted to show it to my kids since they love the Beatles and it was really cheap at Target one week, so I figured why the hell not.)

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dlk9s jr has wanted to watch The Thing (1982) for a long time, but I held off for obvious reasons. Finally decided he could watch it since he’s seen plenty of scary movies. I’m cheap, though, so I didn’t want to pay to rent it when we already subscribe to a bunch of services. Found it on the Criterion Channel, which had a 14-day free trial, so off to the races last night before his second COVID shot hit him (and it has hit him hard).

Probably don’t need to tell anyone this, but it’s tremendous and holds up. The practical special effects are mind-blowing. The psychological terror is second-to-none. Also, those are the best dog actors I’ve ever seen.


The very first time we see it in the dog run is mindblowing. I cant imagine what people in 1982 thought.

Bottin is a master of hia craft

Rewatching Domestic Disturbance and for some reason was wondering the age difference between Vince Vaughn and John Travolta.

My guess was

17 years

The reality is

16 years

Saw it for the second time last year, 30+ years after the first time. It’s excellent.

Fun enough premise but they had no idea how to end the movie.

Oh don’t get me wrong, it was good. When I said “disappointing” I meant relative to what I had built up in my head after not seeing it for these couple years.

Booksmart (comedy)

Two high school girls try to make up for their lack of a social life on the night before graduation.

I don’t know how to do a write up. I liked it, it was funny.

It’s on Hulu.