Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

If what @LFS said is true, then Willis has severe early onset dementia and doesn’t know where he is half the time. It’s kind of crazy that hasn’t leaked out to the tabloids.

I’ll stan for most of RLM content going back nearly ten years. I get their schtick very much isn’t for everyone though.

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I’ve wondered why The Flop House guys have avoided reviewing any of these Bruce Wilis movies and I tend to think that they’ve heard the rumors and don’t want to risk dunking on a guy who’s being exploited because of mental health problems. Fortunately, they can still make fun of the movies Nic Cage makes because of his financial health issues.

He did get hit in the head a lot stopping all those terrorist attacks.

BTW, there’s a plan developing to watch The Power of the Dog on Friday night if people are interested.

mind blown


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When my Dad had aphasia the first days after his stroke, he described the room TV as a “fancy picture that moves”. His recall of specific words was spotty but he could describe things.


A theater near my work was playing “Red desert” so I felt compelled to go for a rewatch. Great movie, and the 4k restoration really looks good. Not very uplifting though lol.

I’d love to see Vitti in lighter roles than what she did with Antonioni. Apparently she was in a bunch of Italian comedies in the 70s, but I’ve never seen any of these movies available online (they’re probably not that good).

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Just showed dlk9s jr BlacKkKlansman. He loved it.

When the he saw the Charlottesville stuff at the end, I looked over at him and he was wide-eyed. He was only 8 at the time and wasn’t aware of what happened. Couldn’t believe that was real, especially because it was my school.

I was completely overwhelmed by No Way Out, so I went on a wikipedia dive. Director Joseph L. Mankiewicz’s filmography is amazing; critically acclaimed movies in everything from Shakespeare to noir to musical to spy thriller to romance. Two very obscure movies in his wiki stand out to me, though:

A Carol for Another Christmas, Rod Stewart (!) adapts A Christmas Carol for a post-nuclear era. It’s got Peter Sellers and Sterling Hayden. Sounds wild.

Sleuth seems like your standard comedic Agatha Christie parody much like Knives Out or Without A Clue starring (checks notes) Laurence Oliver? and Sir Michael Cain? Critics loved it, I’ve never heard of it, I must watch this movie. Amazon will sell me a copy for $54.95.

Shocked you haven’t seen it, even more shocked you haven’t heard of it

Movie is a classic

Shady back link to the movie

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No Way Out was a movie that just grabbed me out of the gate and never let go. I had no idea what is was until I watched it.

As far as just grabbing me like that, Enemy at the Gates comes to mind. Watched it. Immediately watched it again. Literally sat there two times through.

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You mention comedic Agatha Christie parodies and dont mention Clue? What the hell?

Haha, yeah that’s what I actually meant. Without A Clue is also great.

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I hadn’t seen Goodfellas in probably 20 years, and holy shit does it move at a breakneck pace. Didn’t realize at the time how much it was influenced by the French New Wave directors and the other artsy Euros. On HBOMax if anyone else needs a refresher.

How did Ray Liotta not at least get a nod for Best Actor? His coked out psychosis is 10/10. And Dr. Melfi is equal to the part. Apparently she is one of 27 Sopranos actors in this.


From Reddit:

Scorsese said he wanted the whole film to “feel like watching a movie trailer”. So that’s how he shot it.

His words on the topic:

“To begin Goodfellas like a gunshot and have it get faster from there, almost like a two-and-a-half-hour trailer. I think it’s the only way you can really sense the exhilaration of the lifestyle, and to get a sense of why a lot of people are attracted to it.”


Good Fellas might be the greatest film of all time.


lol wtf