Movie Night Watch Party Megathread

I can pause it. Tell me when you’re at 2 minutes.

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I forgot the schedule has RoboCop tomorrow. I expect everyone to be there for that classic.

okay let’s go

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Dialogue is poppin

I missed this, but if you guys do another good Criterion Channel movie, I’m in.

Is there a thread for movie night suggestions and/or a schedule?

Pardon me, are you Sam Cooke, sir?

That guy stole dicaprio’s line!

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I keep a weekly schedule in the OP. Suggestions welcome.

Had no idea that he got the title at 22 years old.

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This is getting good. The script is superb.

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I wanna suggest Master and Commander, that movie owns.

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Does a particular day/time best fit your schedule? Easy to put it up on Tuesday for a cult classic.

Lololol pork chops are delicious

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I wonder what Denzel and Will Smith think of the roles they previously made iconic

It’s not really a cult movie but I don’t really care which day except Wed is Twin Peaks night for me.

I forget that guy’s name… One of my favorite characters from the John Wick series… Lance Reddick! Great too in The Wire and Fringe.

I’m just trying to make it fit the schedule. Work with my OCD Trolly. Work with me.

Wednesday of course remains for your beloved. We should make that a weekly guest spot. Who cares about politics anyway?

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“What’s the damn difference?”

That’s a great line.

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Who needs any of our debate threads when we get this script pitting one great against another? It’s so good to feel connected to every character’s side of this. What an experience already.

Can the whole rest of this movie just be Sam and Malcolm going at it?

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