Movie Night Watch Party Megathread

Yes that’s a great plan

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In for Constantine

Lol I forgot Shia is in this

Rumor is they’re bringing Keanu back for a cameo in the upcoming Flash multiverse movie

Me too lololol there is no escaping The Boof

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Ross Geller: PIVOT!!


So Shia is like a 17-year-old fast talking taxi driver ok

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“Going to a lot of AA meetings I see.”

Said as the guy is guzzling from his flask. John knows neither of them will turn away from the addictions that numb their suffering enough to make existence possible.

Constantine didn’t go to church enough as a kid and now he has terminal lung cancer. Rigged!

Maybe they’ll finale give us a Papa Midnight spin-off

Which bar looks like more fun: this one or the one from The Boys?

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“Satan’s stomach must be growling. You’re the one soul he’d come up here himself to collect.”

Houston, we have foreshadowing.

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Gavin Rosedale, lead singer of Bush, ex-husband of Gwen Stefani, and frequent habitat for a frog in his throat

We have to fight the demons together, John.

Try kicking

This makes me want to play cultist simulator

Shia’s role in this is so unnecessary lol

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He’s supposed to be comic relief i guess but he’s just annoying and you don’t get enough of him to even build a character, I don’t even blame Shia but he sucks here absolutely

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Finally, they’re trying. But it’s too late in the movie for me to start giving a shit about the driver

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