Movie Fight Scenes Draft

So the rules

And now

  1. @FuncrusherPlus
  2. @RiskyFlush
  3. @tabbaker
  4. @Nicholasp27
  5. @superuberbob
  6. @JonnyA

My first pick will be Funcrusherplus if they somehow snipe my opening pick

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We give what? 24 hours for a pick?

Snake draft ldo

Sounds good to me.

As long as we are free to bump people every twenty minutes if we’re feeling impatient.

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Yes. Yes we can. Feel free to bump @FuncrusherPlus every 20 minutes

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Any chance of adding one more? I quite like my movies.


Of course.

I’m thinking six rounds.



Is one day too long to wait or too short?

Not sure what the norm is. But whatever it is, I have my top 40 list set up.

It’s fine

I was just bumping because it had been more than 20 minutes

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What’s up degens. I see that I have the 1st.

How do these drafts normally work? Is there a vote at the end?

It’s like the NFL. Pick your favorite movie fight scene.

But like with all drafts here, it’s all about the write-up.

I still have write ups deficit from the assholes draft.

I excused myself for that since it’s something an asshole would do.

I’m currently obsessing over a blue chip pick or a “creative” pick.

I’ve got all six of my picks ready

to pick a fight if anyone snipes me


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Tried to get this done before a 10 hour workday.

I will post later tonight.

Poor draft etiquette. Undrafted items are not to be discussed.


Please sign up and play or wait until after the draft to discuss what you’d pick.

Join in if you want