Movie Fight Scenes Draft

Whoever picks the comedic fight I’m thinking of will probably win the draft in my eyes.

tabbaker already picked Darth Maul vs the Jedi


It’ll be taken. No doubt.

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The music makes the pick. I’ll give you that.

Chart isn’t updated I have no idea what’s been taken.

So I’ll go with the actual best Matrix scene


Finally! Someone takes the best Matrix scene


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That’s not the best fight scene in the movie, I posted that gif because AT LAST I can post the GOAT fight scene of the entire draft. Lemme drink this coffee and I’ll brb.

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In my Matrix fight rankings, we’ve picked fights #2 and #4. Looking forward to if Risky finally gets it right.

edit: looks like I misread Risky’s post, thought he meant he was at last taking the best Matrix fight. Forgot he had already taken one.

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You can take more than one fight from the same movie.

But spoiler, I already took the best one!

You know what? I’m taking the whole damn scene.

The final battle in Avengers: Endgame is one of the most epic and satisfying action scenes ever put to film. It’s a testament to ten years of inter-connected films bringing to life a comic book saga no one believed could be done, let alone be done well.

Look at all of these classic moments. I was going to pick just Scarlett Witch vs Thanos, but any one of these pieces of the full fight scene would be a worthy pick, and they’re all mine!!

Iron Mang


@FuncrusherPlus is up

So I just finished the finale from season [redacted] of [redacted], which featured a surprise appearance by [redacted].

And I gotta say, it makes me appreciate your pick more in hindsight. When this movie came out, no one had ever seen a single Jedi in their prime. The best we had was minimal choreography from [redacted] fighting a malfunctioning cyborg and [redacted] taking on trigger-happy and aim-free soldiers.

Duel of the Fates was our first extended viewing of three Jedis in their prime going ALL OUT with some of the most ridiculous fight choreography you’ve ever slowed down and analyzed.


When Cap picks up the hammer is one of the biggest “FUCK YEAH!” moments of all time and the part when all the heroes come back, particularly “On your left,” Black Panther, and Spider-Man, brings the feels.

I was waiting for this pick.

EDIT: I hate that every video has a million cuts so as to avoid getting deleted. Spoils the flow and misses some good stuff.


This is a pretty fun clip. Someone recorded the audience’s reaction. Also, the part where Cap summons lightning is great.

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OMG the audience cheering when they first see him with the hammer!

Aw man Chadwick Boseman :frowning:

Did they ever explain why Cap can pick up Mjollnir?

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Only those the Asgardian gods deem worthy can lift it. Cap always could, he just didn’t at that party in Age of Ultron because he didn’t want to embarrass Thor.

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