Movie Fight Scenes Draft

I’d make the worst draft picker for a real sports team. The optimal strategy is to pick people in the order in which you’re most likely to achieve your desired team, but I don’t every time. I start off with my favorite pick as my #1 and end up missing treasures like The Bride vs Crazy 88 because it wasn’t my favorite.

Or you’d be like Kevin Costner in Draft Day and do absolutely everything wrong like trading up to #1 only to take a guy that would have been there at your original pick, but through dumb luck still end up winning the draft.


You’d still be better than the Jets


Lol it is absurd. And yet I’ve seen that movie half a dozen times…

I’ll wait until the end of the day (my time) do for @Nicholasp27 to pick. I’ll go after that.

I have sword fighting and a gun fight; now I need my martial arts scene.

Drunken fighting from The Legend of the Drunken Master

A classic 1 v Many fight scene but he does have a few helpers who throw him bottles of alcohol to chug.


@superuberbob is up

Okay, it’s been a day and I’m about to go to sleep.

Gotta say @FuncrusherPlus referring to anime fight scenes kinda scared me into making this pick. To me, it’s the best one in anime in my opinion.

Cowboy Bebop: Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door

Sadly, I cannot find the full scene in Japanese with subs.

Write-up has spoilers

This fight takes place at the end of the movie. Vincent has set up and biological attack to take place on Mars. Meanwhile, the pilots are spreading the vaccine while Spike hopes to stop the attack from ever happening.

Most fights in anime tend to have some fairly shoddy pacing. There’s often a whole lot of build-up before there’s any action whereas the scene here pretty much starts with the fight straight up. The scene is animated very well with. The interruptions merely exist to show how the rest of the ending is unfurling rather than detract from the fight itself.

Jackie Chan is always hit-or-miss with me. Sometimes the comedy is too cheesy and it detracts from the action. But here, it’s terrific.

This scene gets a big time

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Woo hoo

Got a hell yeah for one of my picks from SUB


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Man, I can’t believe it took this long for a Jackie Chan mention.


This draft has been very America-centric. Most of Jackie’s movies weren’t made in America. It’s no surprise that it took a while to get one given how things have been.

I debated a different Chan scene for my last pick. His pre-Rush Hour stuff is great - perfectly straddling the line between comedic and action.

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Thought for sure someone would have picked that scene from [REDACTED] by now.

Seems like a stock comment that can be posted repeatedly throughout this draft.

Just means there’s some amazing value coming in late.

Might be a hot take but having never seen Old Boy before, I can’t say I’m that impressed with the no.1 pick fight scene. Is it just because it’s one shot? The punches don’t even pretend to look like they’re landing. Feel free to point out why I’m wrong and bad at this.

OK I don’t think either of the top 2 would have even made my theoretical “board”, this is a wild draft.

We’re like three rounds in and I only see one classic martial arts movie scene, driving me bonkers. Maybe everyone is sandbagging or none of you watch kung-fu movies.

I no literally nothing about Oldboy except for that fight scene which has been posted on 22 approximately infinity times. What’s the best way to watch the original now? I can only get some remake in English via streaming the last time I checked.

Maybe I have a type but up until this point I have this and the Crazy 88s fight in a tier above everything else. Ip Man fight was also p good.

OK well Risky is back in the game

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