Moderator Nominations: 6 Month Term beginning 1/1/22

Fwiw, almost no decisions are made unilaterally. Especially ones lasting a week.

The throttle staying up that long indicates the other mods were in agreement.


Well at least certain ā€œrepeat offendersā€, anywayā€¦


It not being unilateral kinda changes the entire nature of your complaint

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It just means that maybe unnamed others are complicit in that bad moderation choice. Wookie for sure is and itā€™s fair to ask him about it if he wants to be mod.

You could volunteer instead of complaining.

You could volunteer instead of complaining.

Is it not appropriate to ask questions about how a candidate plans to mod or how he modded in the past? In any case, seems crass to nominate oneself but Iā€™m not opposed to it.


I nominate @anon10396289


Well I donā€™t think pointing out what I did is ā€œcomplainingā€, but in any case, Iā€™ve explained on many occasions that I have enough self awareness to know that I wouldnā€™t be a good mod.

22 posts were split to a new topic: On Improving Moderation

I nominate @Yuv


For mod or for the perm ban list?


For mod, obv. Iā€™m not a big fan of this gaslighting thing heā€™s doing, but he seems to have some great solutions.

yeah, no.

No you wonā€™t consider being a mod or no you donā€™t think youā€™re gaslighting or both?

Posts unrelated to nominations split out.

no as in i find your posts rude and do not wish to interact with you when you post that way.


If Keed agin him Imā€™a for em.

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Iā€™d suggest a link in the link (in the ā€˜xā€™ box thingy at the top of the webpage, there is no link)