
I like his posting and last time he left because of this endless back and forth. So id like to see both of you ignore each other so that does not happen.

You are also asking for him to be contained. Which means he wont be posting in the virus thread where he makes a lot of good posts.

I already said that I would not lead the charge to contain him, but I think he should be. I also said I think he should be contained to the COVID threads (but not allowed to post about the stuff from the bailout/stimulus thread) and to his own containment thread for anything else. I have no problem with 99% of his posting in the COVID thread.

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Ok i cant figure out how to search that old forum. It you want to say you are an innocent lamb and he is the big bad wolf and you are faultless. Alright…

I explicitly said I wasn’t perfect earlier. Very few of any of my posts have personal insults in them though. Would I say none? Maybe not. But it isn’t like I spent days combing nun posts. There are personal insults in a huge percentage of them. If you are fine with that I guess we can agree to disagree.

Anyways I am going to leave it there. I love you all. I don’t hate nun. I’m just sick of this situation. Night.

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Sure, nun wins on gratuitous abuse and insults and gets a yellow card.

Cuse wins on bullying/harassment and also gets a yellow card.

Everyone should cut out both types of behaviour. Another yellow and it’s containment for them.

Because what a random person on the internet thinks about you doesn’t matter.

We all know this intellectually but sometimes it can feel reel.

We all need to do a better job of embodying the principles we preach and want to live by.

I tell my daughter all the time when someone hurls insults at you it has little to do with you so don’t worry about it.

Doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt but it says more about the person doing the insulting than it does you.

I really believe that and try to embody it.

I also tell my daughter to treat each others kindly, especially the ones who other people are bullying.

I’ve never seen a message board that has as much intelligent discord as this site and I think we all need to pause, breathe, and remember we are here to discuss principles, learn, and grow.

At some point someone has to be the bigger person and let it go. Same advice we would give our own children.


The behavior continues so it’s not addressed. Stop trying to pretend like this obvious problem isn’t a problem. We don’t have a functional bailout/stimulus thread because of this.

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That’s out of context. My whole point is that people care if we say anything that upsets him, but don’t care that he’s hurling far worse insults at numerous people. We don’t happen to care that much personally, but it’s his whole track record here.

Within a couple weeks of his arrival on Exiled, he was talking about how valuable he was, how others were not capable of grasping his level of posting, attacking several individuals personally, etc. It’s been 1.5 years of it, and if you search his name on 2p2 you’ll find OOTV posts about how awful he was.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence whatsoever that he posted in Politics like twice on 2p2 despite being active there and clearly lurking it (based on numerous comments he’s made), then immediately became a high volume poster on Exiled. He knew the mods in 2p2 Pol back then wouldn’t put up with his shit, but our new barely modded community would.

Wichita absolutely nailed it on that.

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People keep saying this and it seems like they’re not reading any of the content that’s gotten us here. Almost everyone in question can discuss the same issues with other posters and disagree without issue, and with nunn it’s WW3 and then gets both sidesed because nobody wants to read it. Mostly with nunn it’s also good faith arguments being made against his position, and it always devolves. Always.

Why can numerous regs argue in good faith with hundreds of people and with nunn it always devolves? Must be both sides I guess.

You describing his abuse isn’t going to convince anyone who hasn’t seen it for themselves, and it does come across a bit pot and kettle.

Again, start over with him there but start making a collection of his new abusive posts so people can see what you’re talking about - no one already ignoring that thread is going to wade through multiple 5,000 word posts.


I remember on Exiled when Nun when after me telling me I need to self reflect and that I wasn’t progressive and all this other bullshit.

I told him the opinions of a random person on the internet is not something I’m going to use as a gauge for when I need to self reflect and pretty much ignored him since.

This isn’t hard and has not made the message board less enjoyable for me. I don’t even ignore him, I typically just scroll past his post unless it’s short enough for me to read quickly.


I think you are overstating how big of a problem it is.

This is something we have to decide on our own I guess. Even if everyone disagrees with me about something it doesn’t mean I’m wrong but I’m more likely to think about the issue some more.

There are 5-6 posters on this site who’s opinions sway me more than others but they have a track record of being insightful.

Of course it could be the people that I want to agree with because their world view is similar to mine. Not the case with all the posters I’m referring to though.


Again, I’m pretty sure nobody is personally upset about being attacked by nunnehi. We have brought that up because people are telling us to stop being mean to him and we’re like “Wait, what??? Why is what he says ok then?”

It’s a double standard. The main problem is that he makes shitty posts, he’s constantly condescending/mean, and he has the thinnest skin on the site. That trifecta is always going to cause problems.

A nice person making shitty posts may not get dunked on. Someone with thick skin can take it. Someone thin skinned and condescending who doesn’t make shitty posts won’t run into as much trouble.

Put all three together and it’s a mess, as it has been for 1.5 years.

I think people are telling you to not engage with him. There is a difference between that and saying don’t be a meanie.

53% of people now say nun has actively made Unstuck a worse place since he has been back. He has literally been abusive in this thread after being accused of it. And yet the closest I see to condemnation of his behavior is a “yellow card” and “well he is bullied so what do you expect”.

But sure, by all means, let’s wait and see how it all plays out and forget about the years worth of track record that show who he is and how he behaves. Like cuse said even going back to 22 he was an abusive bad poster that got ran out of OOTV(LOL) and was scared to actually post in the politics forum because it had moderation that would have banned him about 2 weeks into his exiled posting shitposting spree. Let’s also forget that we have had this exact conversation about this same behavior and what to do about it multiple times and each time were just encouraged to ignore it and hope “it will go away on it’s own.”

I understand the hesitation to do anything but it disappoints me. I also realize it is probably a waste of time to try and continue to make the same point to the same group of people so I will try to refrain from doing that.


I don’t think most people have seen this for themselves in context though.

I mean, it’s been flagged up here and it’s made people aware of the potential problem that until now looked to me like a one on one spat, so te next step is to let him know, here, that people are going to start collecting evidence from now on.

I feel I’m repeating myself now and don’t have anything more to say about why, given this, taking action against him alone would be premature. He and cuse both need warnings imo.and both should move on.

Is it though?

Are you sure?

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but you done went and let ‘conversate’ go unconversated upon
