
I think you enjoy bullying people, for your own reasons, and are either unaware or simply don’t care that perhaps your latest target may have serious mental health issues.

You should tread much more carefully or ignore him.

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How many times do I have to say someone is lying and show how they’re lying in order for it to stop. I did this disproving of what they said numerous times a year ago and I’m not going back through to do it again (I’m not doing the Karl Rove strategy, sorry). You might remember there was a concerted effort to run me off this site led by, guess who? There’s so much rinse repeat on this site I don’t even dignify it anymore.

I don’t care if people think I’m wrong. I’m happy to admit I’m wrong when I am. This is the internet for f’s sake. I absolutely am not going to say I’m wrong about something I never argued no matter how many times I’m told I argued it. I’m not going to let someone continue to try to root a lie about my character when it’s not true. When you understand why, it will make who and what the problems are clear.

The bottom line to me is there is a difference in between having heated exchanges on the merits and literally immediately resorting to name calling anytime anything you say is challenged. I have had heated exchanges on the merits with lots of people on this site. I still like and respect them. Sometimes they were right, sometimes I was. That is kind of what we are here to do. It is sort of an iron sharpens iron situation. Bad takes aren’t tolerated by anybody here nor should they be in my opinion. If nun was doing that now or in the past then there would be no issue. None.

Acting like the few people still trying to debate him in good faith are the problem seems insane to me. I’ve tried a few times in the last month since he has been back and every time been told how dumb I was, how I am a fake Democrat(LOL), untrustworthy, a moron, a bully, etc. How exactly am I supposed to respond to that? Ignore it? Ok. But if we have a forum member who literally won’t debate people in good faith why are they allowed to be here. That is what this site is supposed to be right?


By calling him out for being consistent provably wrong and lying about it. That’s it. I’ve been more of an asshole about it than others, but they get the same treatment.

Well, it’s not like he’s the only person here who’s posted a lot of bad faith arguments recently (strawmanning, insults etc).

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I really don’t.

I care, but I’ve reached out to him privately on several occasions, including to make sure he’s doing ok with the lockdown and pandemic, and I’ve been called a monster who doesn’t have empathy for anyone publicly. So I’ve decided to concern myself only with the political discourse here when it comes to nunn.

I do not ignore bullshit discourse that can poorly inform others. I call it out because I think that’s important.

This is pure bullshit.


I’m sure I’ve been guilty of it at times. My point is we want as little of that as possible right?

You really gotta stop this man, you really, really do. The guy has you ignored and you’re still responding directly to him, that’s weird and unproductive.


Cuse I like and heart your posting almost everywhere else, but I have literally hovered over the ignore button lately because of these LOL nun posts. He has ignored you, move on please, or at least pace yourself? The justification you give for continuing to do it borders on messianism and is hard to take seriously.


Sure. Do you then support an enforced forum policy against bad faith posting resulting in warnings/bans etc regardless of who the poster is? Or will it be reserved for someone with a low likes/post ratio? Populism rulez.

Because he’s spewing bullshit consistently and everyone who knows it outside a few of us seems to have given up on calling it out. Meanwhile he gets to use this place as a platform to type his nonsense to lurkers, and if a few of us stop then they will be getting unfiltered uncontested nonsense fed to them.

That seems bad to me.

So you think we should just let him post unchallenged bullshit to hundreds of people with no pushback?

We don’t need you to stand up for us.


It also seems worth pointing out that I’ve actually posted agreeing with a nunn post in the last few days when I thought he was right, and replied to one or two others on non-contested topics constructively and/or politely.

LOL, I haven’t followed any of Wichita’s posting on this site at all until the COVID thread. And I certainly don’t think feel like I’m being ‘generally’ persecuted (it’s the same 5 to 8 people over and over and over, the ringleader and his minions). I ignored Wichita on the in between site and I carried that ignore right over to this one when he immediately came on it and started insulting me. Funny thing is I seem to remember you being one of the people telling him to stop trolling me every single post I made. But, who knows, maybe that was someone else.

On this site, there are only two people I’ve actively wanted to ignore. The first was Cuse, but I couldn’t because he was a mod. I nearly nuked my account because I couldn’t ignore him. If it had been easy to nuke my account I would have done it because I give way too much content a lot of people on this site clearly don’t deserve or want. The only other person I ignored was Wichita DM who couldn’t argue with me in good faith for even 5 minutes. And he did persecute me just like he’s doing now but in a different way. No one cared about his opinion then, but he’s gained people’s respect since for whatever reason. When you realize the vast majority of his content is insulting people in one form or another, you’ll see the real him that I exposed long ago.

And again, you f’ing armchair psychologists thinking I might have mental health issues for pushing back against people bullying and lying about me is beyond the pale. You don’t know what the f you’re talking about and I think anyone ‘assessing’ anyone’s mental health on this site should be subject to mod action. That’s something you just don’t do. It’s bullying.

Well… we do have access to the World Wide Web here around our virtual water cooler.

You could make a post in one of the bad posting threads that details his track record, and your LOL-ing at it. Then when he makes his next prediction that you feel is hot trash… you could post like “LOL @ X. His predictions suck. Check it out LINKEE”.

This would make it easier on you, as you wouldn’t have to write the same essay about how X’s predictions suck over and over again. And it would make it easier on others too… by hopefully moving the meta-dunking back-n-forth out of the content threads.

Anyways, that’s all I really got to say. Carry on, my fellow UnStuckers.

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Who earns the fight, the person who punched first or second?

Nun has ignored Cuse. Cuse should ignore nun or take a temp ban imo. The interactions make the forum worse.


If you want him contained or banned, start a poll. In the current meta, you definitely come off looking worse and it hurts your credibility.

ETA: I haven’t read a nun post in a long long time, but he’s not the only person who’s posts I skip over.

Does bad behavior warrant a disproportionate response?