
I predict that if we came up with the sort of explicit standards you crave, Sabo’s posting would lie within the bounds of what is acceptable.

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I’m getting horrible flashbacks!


Trolls like Sabo will walk whatever line is nearest to them. If there is a line, as long is it established, at least he’ll walk somewhat towards that line. He already edited/deleted at least one of the posts I reported today, showing he has at least somewhat of a sense of self awareness of the style/effect of what his posting has.

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It was that bad

@JohnnyTruant Have you fully recovered yet?

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You should consider pointing out which posts you have flagged in an attempt to persuade other posters that those posts should be hidden.

It is possible one of the posts I flagged was edited/hidden by a mod and that’s why I received the notification that he edited it. I don’t know, I just received an edit notification by sabo today for a post I flagged pretty recently before. Other than the mocking post by goofy that was the only response I received for my flagged posts.

I don’t think they should be hidden, but if whatever arbitrary standard that was applied to my post is applied unilaterally, then I think they should have been hidden.

These discussions about where the “line” is would be more productive if the persons flagging a post that is auto-hidden were public and could be asked directly.

It would also avoid the problem of a clique of posters ganging up on someone for their own reasons.

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I am not going anywhere and did not say I was. I just feel obligated to speak up in a calm and rational manner because I don’t think I am wrong here at all. It would feel like I was doing this forum a disservice if I didn’t voice it. I even waited several hours (like 7-8?) before making this post so I would be calmer. When it happened, I was very angry. Then I saw how many likes the post got and got a little angry again, but I am a very measured angry.




You should be a mod. One of the other mods should resign. You should talk to all the other mods and try to work out modding policy among yourselves. Six months later you should resign and other mods can revisit those modding policies if they want.

Or, start a thread to try to make some rules and lobby people to vote for them.


There are 4 options for handling flags: Agree, Disagree, Ignore, and Delete.

Agreeing with a flag signals that you confirm the post is off-topic (or spam, or inappropriate, or …) When you agree with a flag a dropdown menu will open giving you options for how to handle the post and its creator.

If a flag has caused a post to be hidden, the Disagree button will have the text ‘Disagree and Restore Post.’ Clicking either Disagree, or ‘Disagree and Restore Post’ button will remove the flag from the post. If the post has been hidden, the Disagree option will unhide the post.

When a flag is Ignored, the flag will stay in place, but the flag will be removed from the Pending flags list in the Review Queue. If a flag that has been ignored has caused a post to be hidden, the post will remain hidden. Posts that are hidden for more than 30 days are automatically deleted. You can search for ignored flags on the Review page by selecting ‘Ignored’ from the Status dropdown menu.

Clicking the Delete button for a post in the Review Queue will cause the post to be deleted. You will be given two options when you select the Delete option. ‘Delete Post and Ignore’ will remove the post, but not penalize its creator with the flag. ‘Delete Post and Agree’ will delete the post and penalize its creator with the flag.

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I see the post was unhidden (THANK YOU that means a lot more than you realize) but I think my main point still needs to be addressed at a certain point in the future. We as a community need to sit down and finalize what we do and don’t want posted here, what constitutes bad posting.

For me I’ve always wanted growth out of this forum. I know that isn’t everyone’s goal but we’re all a part of this and I think it is special and think it should spread. Unless we all want to just sit around and try to debate the merits of not voting 3 days before the most significant election of our lifetimes. Idk. Some fresh blood would be nice, but whatever people want, I guess. But I would really like to see some standards, even if it’s just like 2 or 3. I would follow them to a T as I expect many others would too.

I observe a lot of interpersonal drama and I suspect that’s the main threat to these forums, lately. I know I take part in some of it but some minimal rules on what constitutes personal attacks, what constitutes going over the line and harassing someone, etc. etc. would go a long way.

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Can you share one or two? Bc I’m having a hard time seeing any reason why anyone who flagged jmakins post would need to remain anonymous

You (@jmakin) posted a content-free personal attack that was actually pretty harsh. It was a lot more personal than a generic, “fuck you.”

I don’t honestly remember if I was the one who flagged it, but I’m glad it was flagged and I think it’s a little weird that micro is suggested you be modded over this behavior.


There are posters who would attack the person flagging their posts. That’s enough.


Different posters’ flags carry different weight, which is affected by how frequently moderators agree or disagree with their flags. A single flag from a high TL user whose flags have a 100% approval history can instantly hide a post, while some n00b who has lots of spiteful flags that get ignored may only push a post 10% towards being hidden.

This is one of the reasons why joking and spiteful flags are a bad idea - they lower your flagging mojo. (Those flags are also a bad idea becuase they annoy the mods and admins.)


I agree. (With Cassette, to be clear)

Over this behavior?

It certainly isn’t why I think he should be a mod. Like wtf?

Do you want mods who psychologically bully people? Why?

Sorry. “over” is the wrong word. Your suggestion, as a response to this behavior, is to suggest he be modded.

So, you agree with Jmakin -doing the psychological bullying yourself- and then post this?