Moderation rules

There’s zero possible way that my metaphor could happen in real life and it’s intentionally absurd. So no. Extreme situations like the one we are in force you to reach for pretty extreme metaphors… and anyone who read the transcript of yesterday’s transcript and didn’t have gangster metaphors dancing through their mind sucks at reading comprehension.

The metaphor becomes a liabilty when it involves the POTUS because there are people whose sole job it is to investigate posts like these.


I pity them that then. Can you imagine how many of those there must be right now? Talk about drinking from a firehouse. I won’t do it again.

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I thought it was a clever post and for anyone but the president it‘s a nothingburger. Putting it on Twitter wasn’t a good idea imho.

Yeah I see your point about it being the potus even this one.

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Personally I think it’s ridiculous that there be a separate set of rules for posts directed at the president. He may think he’s a god but he’s not.


They didn’t arrest Kathy Griffin I think it’ll be okay snowflakes


Just keep in mind who this type of posting puts in danger. And it sure as hell isn’t any of the people you’re yelling at. It’s anyone crossing the border on a visa, undocumented, seeking asylum, or otherwise a non-white citizen. Border patrol has been watching social media and sites like this for some time now. Dozens of Iranian incoming PhD students were recently sent back when trying to fly into the country because of mild criticism voiced by their friends on Facebook.


Just for the record and in the interest of full disclosure, I sent boredsocial a friendly PM asking him to be careful in the future. That said, I pretty much agree with boredsocial’s take here:

Like, not to go all GOP Senator on everyone here with the half-condemnation non-condemnation, but while I might not have chosen that metaphor, I also get what he was going for and I didn’t think it was quite over the line in terms of something I would moderate - although perhaps close. I do think it was a really poor choice by, I assume, kreative to tweet it from the Unstuck handle, and that threw the spotlight back on boredsocial’s post for extra scrutiny, unfairly or not.

I think kreative has done a very good job on Twitter, from what I’ve seen (I follow too many people to catch every UP tweet in my feed and mostly see the ones reposted here), so I don’t mean this to be hyper critical of kreative. I think I predicted when we started the Twitter account that stuff like this would be inevitable.

So mainly my thoughts are that anyone tweeting anything from the UP account should be very thoughtful to avoid this kind of thing, and I’d encourage everyone to be careful about their posting in general… Just because something isn’t necessarily over the line doesn’t mean that it isn’t worth a friendly reminded to all to try to keep the discourse at a high level and to be careful with anything including violence.


I don’t know who boredsocial is IRL, but assuming that he or she is not a celebrity, boredsocial is probably at higher risk of being arrested than Kathy Griffin, all else being equal. It wouldn’t get very much attention in the news, is my point, so they’d be able to get away with it easier.

This is a really good point.

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@kre8tive I just want to say you’re doing an outstanding job overall managing the Twitter.

Just keep in mind that Twitter is moderated by chezzing fascist dipshits, so we can’t stunt too hard there without getting suspended.


I mean, IIRC there are literally different laws in the US regarding threats the President so we probably should pump the brakes on that.

I understand it’s against the law. I still think it’s ridiculous that the president gets some sort of preferential treatment in regards to posting than any other person. If there is going to be some arbitrary line it should apply to everyone equally. That’s just my opinion. I get so frustrated when the media refuses to call out the president in press conferences or when Trump has a go at someone for being rude. Fk right off, he is the rudest pig I know regardless of his position and should be treated accordingly.

bored, I regret that I flipped a shit when I don’t think you’re the issue here obviously, in a vacuum I wouldn’t have even flagged your post, but it does say something that we seem to agree “yeah that shouldn’t have been tweeted”, why is it a no go for twitter but totally cool here? I have higher standards for what I post here than what I might post on twitter, out of respect for different kinds of folks posting here.

I’d quote you the NBZ post that I flagged today but I’m not at all comfortable even quoting it (I think it’s deleted now). It was kind of like what you posted except cut all the metaphorical bits and just replace them with one wistful hypothetical of what might happen to a certain coral colored tweeter if he doesn’t leave office voluntarily. Context! Context! It was just a hypothetical smrk, yeah, context = pretext, he just wants to get to the punchline where somebody gets killed and he can get away with saying it.


This is also my last go around trying to elevate this topic above the apathy around it. Could very much be an I’m the asshole situation and that the community has sort of arrived at a judgment about it and that it’s no big deal.

I effectively said that if Trump loses and doesn’t vacate the White House, then he is trespassing and it would be appropriate for a law enforcement agent to draw a weapon to force him to comply and be willing to follow through on that threat.

Feel free to repost what you said not what you effectively said, although what you’re effectively doing is, for like the 50th time, invoking circumstances under which he would face a mortal penalty for his misdeeds. I mean, we get it, he’s a real jerk!

To be clear, there are no laws against calling the President a lying Adderall-snorting rapist. It’s just the physical threats that are illegal.

Are we allowed to wish violence against people in video games?

I understand that. All my point is that if threatening posts towards the president aren’t going to be allowed here then no threatening posts should be allowed. The president shouldn’t have extra protection compared to ordinary citizens.