Mississippi water crisis


The entire discussion of the consequences of climate change is going to revolve around water. It’s scary to think of the damage that is going to be done by an unholy marriage of droughts and flooding.


At least the US has extremely modern and technologically advanced infrastructure that will hold up well when the shit hits the fan.


In retrospect maybe it was actually a good decision not to spend billions of dollars on infrastructure to serve the 1/3 of the US that will be desert or underwater by 2050.

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This is a good point. There’s going to be massive needs in big sky country as people move. No offense to the good Floridians but every real estate investment in that state deserves to go to zero.

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I actually think that Oregon is going to be the destination of choice for south western American climate refugees. I think their climate is actually set to improve slightly with global warming, and wealthier white Americans are going to be delighted to find out how white and racist Oregon is.

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Jesus christ, I’d love to read more about that fuckup.

Wat. Cant you just convert gallons to cubic feet or whatever? Obligatory lol imperial.

Sucks that Mississippi is essentially a third world country.

What in the actual fuck kind of settlement is that? Sued for $450B, settled for $89M. That’s 0.02%

lol thats what i told my sister who just bought property in swamp country, did NOT go well