MikeLikesOrgies heads to TRUMPMEGASTORE and asks questions.

I don’t need any $$ for it. If u enjoy my effort you can make a donation to the grand strand humane society. We are pushing it back to Thursday or Friday because the Barr has been raised a little bit I’m looking in to getting a half ass production crew.


I’m in. And that’s not a promise for a huge donation, but I’m good for $20-$50 depending on my mood.

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Hero. Seriously this would be so awesome. Will donate at the same rate I already quoted if you do it.

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Also in for a donation. Good cause + shenanigans? Yes please.

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What can we do to prevent whites from becoming a minority in the US?


I think you should encourage everyone you meet to get their flu shot and see if you get your ass kicked.


Who do you think is a bigger threat to our proud American way of life? AOC or Putin?

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What are the three things you hate most about that AOC lady?

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A bunch of my other carnival friends

Grunching, but some Qs:

  • what do the letters in A.N.T.I.F.A. stand for?

  • how many covid deaths in the USA? Also, how many americans died because of Obummer’s dreadful response to the 1917 Spanish flu pandemic?

  • if we asked Trump who he’d F/M/K: Ivanka, Melania, your wife. What do you think his response would be?

  • if you have one flag pole, but 3 flags: Trump, stars and bars, and old glory. What order do you hang them top to bottom?


Do you think 20+ women making sexual assault claims against Trump are lying? I mean, does he really have time to grab all those pussies?

Trump wants to make America Great Again. When, exactly, was it great? Like what year are we talking about?

(yes I’m late to the thread, but I no longer have free time)

Washing line panties or swimming pool bikinis?

If the trip report is not something like this, I will be disappointed.