Miami High Rise Collapse

does he happen to look like this?


Incredible that the one or two story outer perimeter wall may have been the only thing holding the whole structure together for decades.

now i cannot unsee that gaetz is a clone thrown off the line for quality assurance.

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I loved Miami the one time I traveled there, but I have a hard time seeing myself wanting to go back there with all of this shit going on in Florida as a whole and the impending climate disaster.

While other states are extending their statutes of repose/limitations for certain things, this guy is proposing dropping it to 4 years instead of 10 for construction. What a blatant giveaway.

Lol, no.

Here he is:

Less than a year after the collapse a settlement in principle happened yesterday. Obv no one admitted to any wrongdoing but the with $1B+ number Iā€™m shocked it moved this quickly given the number of parties and dollar amounts involved. Itā€™s gotta be approved by the court but it seems it certainly will be.

$96M to condo owners that lost property and the rest of the $1B to victimsā€™ families. Looks like the court is going to say how much the plaintiffā€™s lawyers get (which is usually about a third in these cases) but Iā€™m going to assume itā€™s substantially lower given the quickness with which this settled.

One other interesting note is that besides the parties named in the lawsuit, their insurance companies, and the town, a Dubai-backed developer who is buying the plot of land is contributing $120M to the settlement.


Itā€™s a class action suit so Iā€™m not sure of the exact number of plaintiffs. I havenā€™t read the exact details yet of who qualifies to be in the class but 98 people died and there was 130ish units.

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Looks like four, but that is misleading. This was a class action - which means that certain class representatives are the plaintiffs on behalf of the entire class of injured parties:

The court has to approve the settlement and the proposed class. The lawyers for the class then send out notice and anyone can request to be included in the class and receive their share of the settlement (the court will confirm that they are eligible). People can also opt out of the class and proceed legally on their own. So as of right now, you canā€™t know how many people are in the class (although as cooler notes, you can get a good idea of how many potential class members there are).

Here is the motion to approve the settlement and class if you want to know more:

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10 mil per death seems kind of low, given the obvious culpability.

Building collapsed today in Philadelphia