META: NBZ re-reads old meta and asks questions (ignore if you don't care about meta)

No idea what the offshoot forum is.

But do you think it is a reasonable option to have in the moderation toolbox, given reasonable people making moderation decisions?

lol remember when people wanted to have a forum podcast?

Not unilaterally. It’s far better than a ban since there is at least a hope of remedy, but many perfectly reasonable people have been shown to make poor moderation decisions independently.

I can’t really say without the context

but certainly my views about moderation have changed over the past 45 months, mainly due to the Unique Posting Experience here at UP and how moderation and the threat of it have been and are frequently used to bully and intimidate people based on nothing more than personal feelings.

I did vote against an early ban poll for you and zara that was put up for no apparent reason other than the poll creator (cuse) didn’t agree with your posts, if I remember, and again campaigned against containment of another poster petitioned by the same poster (cuse).

Bit of a pattern developing, in hindsight.

I unironically believe this.

Has ZZ changed or is that consistent with:

If I were to come up with a moderation scheme that includes containment, I would want it to be ratified by community vote. Maybe enough reasonable people can independently make a poor community moderation decision on containment to form a majority, but I don’t think there is any form of moderation that prevents 100% of poor moderation decisions.

It’s not consistent but, well, there’s pre-pandemic and there’s post-pandemic.

My metrics show that poor moderation decisions are great for community engagement


Does containment mean discussion contained to a thread, or a poster? Both? It depends?

I’ve pretty much voluntarily contained myself to the AM thread and uh, we know how that’s went. I mean srsly, I wasn’t lying when I said this is the only thing that interests me, but, I’ve still been conscious of not posting anything anywhere the rare times the spirit moved me to post about cooking a good steak (?), so as to not get these dudes worked up. And they still haaaate me lol.

Should posting on poor taste be moderated?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Only if it’s excessive
  • I don’t know

0 voters

I’m thinking of how they’ve been used on 2+2, where a “bad poster” was contained as an alternative to outright banning them.

I think there’s a role for mods to prune existing threads and create new ones for derails to make the forum more organized and readable.

You won’t get universal agreement on a politics forum on who the “bad” posters are, and a mod making a decision to moderate someone they believe is a “bad” poster will likely only inflame things.

Yeah, I think Cactus got contained and that thread just looked like an invite for the usual suspects to mob pile on.

I never posted in the Cactus containment thread as didn’t feel right to imprison a user.

Didn’t mikelovesorgies (RIP) get contained here once too? He’s probably on SPE these days.

I’ve posted about how moderation is a form of politics and should mirror how we do things in the real world. I’ve been categorically opposed to moderator term limits because I think they’re bad IRL, for example.

One of the principles that I think most of us agree on here is transparency in government. Sunshine laws require government to be done out in the open. I’ve pushed for logging moderation decisions, with a preference for logging too much rather than not enough. One reason is to create a little bit of a barrier to mod action; if it’s not worth the effort to log, then maybe it’s not worth doing.




Doing this for UP at this point is like showing up to a fire after the house burnt down.

The issue are too fundamental to be resolved with moderation rules and theres too much bad history here now.

“Community ownership” of this site was a fundamental and (maybe eventually) fatal flaw IMO. Not that “community ownership” cant work, but it cant work in a community where many members have completely different viewpoints about what what a forum should be. Hopefully the splintered communities have a better chance as they are have much more aligned membership on that front.

Yeah that’s what i was asking lol because i realized I didn’t actually know.

Oh so like “Poster von Baddingdonshire’s thread” and he is only allowed to post there, and if people want to interact with him they have to go to that thread.

I think we should have a moderation decision-making process that requires input from the wider community, if not directly than in some form of appeal. I don’t think the forum can or should operate on having universal agreement for all moderation decisions.

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I’m inclined to believe people might want to pick through the rubble to see if any personally valuable heirlooms and other sentimental objects are in tact and salvageable but I don’t know. Maybe you just buy new stuff because none of that shit ever actually mattered.