Merrick Garland: What would you say you do here?

We have another fucking election coming up in the fall.

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Trump announcing his candidacy before the 2022 elections does nothing to stop a DOJ investigation. Once the presidential election is under way and in full swing, it could

Also, as someone who’d like to see Republicans get their ass handed to them in 2022, I think it would only galvanize Republican voters if the DOJ were to indict before the upcoming election. Let Fulton County do their thing. That can be chalked up to the state of GA and MAGA will be less likely to take out their ire on a national level. Just my opinion

Right, the DoJ will jump into the middle of an election with criminal charges. That tracks with everything we know about the DoJ.

In on it = he accepted the job , with the intention to look away and never prosectute, no matter the evidence.

Or maybe he is investigating , but the people that he would be investigating would be incapable of keeping their mouths shut

I dunno man, if I rob a few banks and leave a handwritten note saying “I robbed these fucking banks and I’m gonna rob a bunch more! --Signed, McTrollson” I don’t think the DoJ will be like “Okay, let’s wait until after his mayoral campaign before we haul him in.”

He’s isn’t in on it. He’s just like every other 80 year old in federal government. He thinks the institutions are still holding while the reality is they are a smoldering pile of ash. They are probably pursuing a slow, relatively incompetent, not all that enthusiastic investigation. And it’s about to meet a psychotic maga controlled Congress. Even if they are truly investigating, it won’t matter after January. And they are completely oblivious to the urgency.


Wittes is a dickhead but he is not exactly wrong here. Like there wouldn’t be an urgency to prosecute Trump if it weren’t for the fact that there is substantial danger of him getting elected President again. The uncomfortable fact is that the problems in the American political system run a lot deeper than “need a new SCOTUS” or “prosecute Trump faster”. And the Democrats are even more hopeless against the underlying problems than they are against the superficial ones. It’s grim.

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While you’re mentioning Mueller as a dud, I would argue Garland is more of a dud already based on what Mueller passed off to him. Mueller famously didn’t charge Trump with all those obstruction of justice counts (10 or so?) he detailed in his report, and his reason for not bringing charges was the DoJ’s OLC memo saying sitting presidents shouldn’t be charged. So what’s Merrick’s excuse? Trump’s no longer POTUS, and those cases have been abandoned with zero explanation. Did he “follow the facts and the law” in determining to just fucking ignore those? It looks to me like he was afraid of touching those cases because he’s an institutionalist coward, and part of that hallowed DoJ institution is never having to explain that cowardice.

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Dude will still be saying this when they’re putting him on the train.

Remember when an Obama appointee spent the entire 2016 election season investigating Hillary including announcing cryptic nonsense days before the election? Good times.

Speaking of which why was Obama electing lifelong Republicans to the head of the FBI in 2013 long after it was obvious there wasn’t going to be some magical bipartisanship? And actually both FBI heads were Republicans under Obama. The first one was literally Robert Mueller.

Now we have Trump and his entire inner circle and beyond doing all the crimes out in the open and they do nothing. Can’t do it, it might be partisan and it’s an election year. LOL Dems forever and always.


Someone here first introduced me to this guy. His takes are almost always spot on imo. Says it’s a mixed bag, but he’s hopeful

Happy Anniversary!


I just can’t anymore with how laughably ineffective Merrick and his DoJ have been

But bringing a case based on that charge would present a series of obstacles, because prosecutors would need to show that Mr. Trump took a specific action intended to obstruct the certification of the election and that he had intent, meaning he knew that what he was doing was wrong. Mr. Goldstein, in an interview with the New York Times podcast “The Daily,” said the hearings have revealed strong evidence regarding Mr. Trump’s intent, but finding an action he undertook to that end would be more difficult.

For example, he said, Mr. Trump’s statements to his supporters on the Ellipse — before he called on them to march to the Capitol — would likely be considered protected by his First Amendment rights.

“Without question, what happened on Jan. 6 was horrendous for our country and for our democracy,” Mr. Goldstein said. “You certainly wouldn’t want to look away if there’s criminal wrongdoing there. But you also want to make sure that the cases that you bring are strong and are the right cases to bring.”

Yeah, what can the Department of Justice possibly do to gather more evidence. This makes it sound like the DoJ is just watching TV along with us and trying to decide if they can convict on publicly available evidence. The DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. The Dept to which the J6 committee has to send requests to prosecute people for ignoring their subpoenas because the DoJ has that power and they don’t. GO GET THE EVIDENCE YOURSELVES.

They are so far behind it’s inexcusable. Just today I’m seeing news that Marc Short (Pence’s CoS) was interviewed in front of a grand jury by DoJ. I, along with many others, have been pointing out for at least a year that any higher-ups in Trumpworld who go before a grand jury would be news we hear about, but indignant law fawners across social media kept up the bullshit narrative about Garland and DoJ doing so much work in secret you wouldn’t believe it, you impatient idiot who can’t comprehend the majesty and effectiveness of the slow-crawling DoJ behemoth. Now that the J6 committee has lapped DoJ not only have we, the lowly voters, been able to see the depths and savagery of the coordinated coup, but those in Trump’s orbit now have a vast trove of information about what information certain witnesses can provide to DoJ and can adjust any legal defenses accordingly (or just say fuck you no, which apparently satisfied DoJ in Meadows’ case. Kevin McCarthy saw this and said fuck you too).

And any day now they’re going to arrest Gaetz for obvious sex crimes, we just have to wait for his scumbag Greenberg to finish cooperating (because that somehow takes years or whatever). Be patient.

They’re really getting to the bottom of all those boxes of classified information Trump stole away to Mar-A-Lago, you just don’t hear about it because they operate efficiently in silence. Thank you for your trust.

They’re still investigating Trump in NY (not DoJ but same old shit), nevermind the two prosecutors resigning in disgust at a lack of prosecution for Trump. Bragg says it’s still open. Thanks for having faith.

So many other things just lost in the wind: Trump and Deutsche Bank records from ultra sketchy loans, Trump’s taxes never released, nothing done w/ Stormy Daniels case except jailing Cohen (remember those checks Don and Don Jr were sending her from the WH?), totally ignoring all the obstruction charges from Mueller’s investigation and providing no explanation for why (the DoJ way!). Of course all the “smaller” things like frequent destruction (or eating) of official govt records, violations of emolument clause and Hatch acts etc have been totally ignored.


I’ve reached the acceptance stage. Try to find the humor in it, or at least laugh thinking about these useless assholes being the first ones loaded onto the trains in 2025.

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Maybe I’ll get there, still in the anger phase. I momentarily forgot about Merrick’s memo that “leaked” warning prosecutors not to, well, prosecute political figures because reasons and norms. It’s about 100 degrees here but walking it off might be necessary, we have good parks.

Garland will be impeached next year as an appetizer. Hopefully with Speaker of the House Trump presiding.


It’s absolutely not incompetence. He is in on it. He doesn’t want to charge them because he agrees with their goals. It’s the only reasonable explanation left.

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Other than the one he has given over and over.

I said reasonable.

In the first corner, weighting in at 450lbs, we have the literal orange end of democracy as we know it.

In the other corner, weighing in at 85lbs soaking wet, we have “norms”.

Wonder who wins. :scream:🤷

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Just more 8 dimensional eDem chess making sure to heavily publicize the crimes the DOJ is going to do absolute dick about.