Mental Health Thread

@StimAbuser i’m happy my initial read was correct on her. She sounds very manipulative. The only reason to get mad at your friend for telling you is because she probably thought it ruined her manipulation of you.


I mean your read is accurate but that is not why. I’m the one who suggested she go out and have fun with him. I encouraged her and told her he’s really cool etc. She told me herself she was going to go out with him a Saturday.

Then I asked her how it went and she lost her shit lol. Doesn’t want to talk to me about it anymore.

Something is definitely weird but whatever like I said she’s not really a part of my life anymore and I hope she finds happiness and my boy doesn’t go through too much.


So I have a few stories about this kind of thing, but one stands out.

A patient came into the ER a little bit before covid. She was 70-something with metastatic breast cancer to her lungs and liver. The plan was for her to die at home, and they had a hospice setup. However, the family couldn’t deal with the stool/urine and watching mom die. They were truly distraught and felt guilty about not being able to do it.

The patient was slowly dying from her lungs giving out (respiratory arrest). These are slower than you might think. Your oxygen levels drop first, causing your heart rate to go up, then your heart rate slowly drops until it stops. You can get some gasping and “air hunger” when this happens.

I immediately got the patient admitted and started a morphine drip, but there weren’t any beds available to get them out of the ER. The patient spent hours in the ER, and lingered. When she started gasping, there was only one thing to do. She got a healthy dose of morphine, and died shortly afterward.

That really shouldn’t be anything special. It was the right thing to do, but the fact that I clearly remember that patient means it was memorable. It was actually really hard on me, as selfish as it may be to frame it that way when it’s another family’s tragedy. Think mosdef got it right.


A while back I read a book, A Monster Calls, that is basically about a boy, whose mother is dying of cancer, struggling with the guilt he feels for having some feelings of “just wanting it over.”

It was made into a movie, which is currently on Netflix. I put it on my list but haven’t watched it yet because the book hit hard and I’m kind of nervous about it. (My mom is still living and not sick, thankfully.)

Anyway, not exactly a recommendation but more of a pointer in case people feel like it could be something they could use.


My dad’s end of life was so bad that my mom carries a dnr (“do not resuscitate”) on her person at all times. I’m her medical power of atty and she periodically gives me instructions about how she wants no even mildly heroic attempts if she is not able to make the decision. This stuff is all screwed up and horrible.


If I did to my dog what we are doing to my mom right now I would be charged for animal cruelty.

Makes zero sense.


Everyone says that they want to die at home surrounding by family.

Fuck that, I want to die alone, surrounded by nobody else who has to see me going through it. Doctors and nurses are okay but no family or friends. You always really die alone anyways.

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Yeah but people think it will be like in the movies, not like it is in real life.

I want to die in hospital, surrounded by professionals, with a fuckton of morphine.

Also. On a proper alternating pressure bed. No bed sores please.

My uncle died last year in the most pro way ever. 76 years old playing golf just dropped like a rock of heart attack. Never felt a thing and didn’t spend 2 min in a hospital.

That is elite level dying.


My mom passed away thank god. I’m sad and relieved.

Thanks for all the support. It really helped.


Sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself over the next little while and try and remember that things do get easier with time.

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There are many non God theories, no longer consider crackpot, that lead to you being with your mother again Now is not the right time to talk about them but knowing they exist could.maybe make you feel slightly better.


Hi, I’m David Sklansky! You should feel better because I have ability to say things that can help but refuse to do so.

At least send the poor guy a PM about it rather than bragging about what you know out loud and then not sharing it

Not sure if you were born in USA, but can you contact whoever deals with birth records in your jurisdiction and request a new birth certificate? I don’t know where my original one was kept, so I contacted bureau of birth records, or whatever its called in Michigan and got a new one. Was an easy process.

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This has nothing to do with anything, but I’m curious. Do you speak Kazakh?

My friend got coerced by his family to enter a rehab facility. He doesn’t want to be there. I guess he was texting his sister about how he wants to kill himself and his ex. Jfc. He needs serious help and he just doesn’t want it.


Update: they released him, the family is saying he will go to an inpatient for at least 1 month, and if he doesn’t, they are cutting him off.

Not sure how successful that is going to be. I may have to distance myself from him, sadly, if he remains combative about getting better.


Sorry to hear that. People who don’t want help are the hardest nut to crack.