Major League Baseball (Part 1)

I think they should hook Derek Jeter up to a shock collar and anytime a batter dicks around for more then 5 seconds he gets shocked. Have him up on the video screen.

I mean all teams all games all season., if he gets it 30 times in one day, so be it.

He was the worst. Of course if you get a hitter that doesn’t like Jeter they may just fuck with him, but that’s OK too.


Is there something where batters can’t step out now? I agree that un-velcroing and re-velcroing your batting gloves after every pitch is utter lunacy.

Batter have to be in the box before there are 8 seconds Ieft on clock. If batter late getting into box it’s an automatic strike.

“A batter can ask an umpire for time once per plate appearance, and after that it would be granted only at the umpire’s discretion if the request is made while in the batter’s box.”

So no more of this stepping in and just holding up hand to get more time. Curious how strict umps are going to be granting time.


Ryan Braun was really fidgety, too. I think with a lot of them, it’s just an unconscious habit.

When I pitched, I realized at one point that I adjusted my cap after every pitch. I did it on the way back to the rubber, so it didn’t delay anything, but it was funny when I finally noticed my own habit.

The only way it could be worse is if Sergio took up baseball.

I still don’t really get this part of the rule. Seems like if the pitch clock is running, the pitcher should be allowed to throw a pitch. Who cares if the batter is “ready”? That’s his problem. In theory, it seems like the pitcher will be confined to an eight second window to start his windup? Seems kind of unfair.

I think the idea is that the pitcher uses the initial time (when the batter doesn’t have to be in the box) to get the ball back form the catcher, get the call from the catcher, and then get in his ready position. He then has at least 8 seconds to throw the pitch. Seems like 8 seconds should be enough time to do that.

Another season, another garbage truck full of stupid-ass rules. It didn’t used to be this way. Baseball was famous for the infrequency of rule changes. The new reality is that MLB is worse than the NFL now in this regard.

Also just announced, the Manfred Man rule is now permanent. Except in post season, Because fuck all I guess. What a fuckin’ failure on every level.

This, and the other new rule changes, have all been tested in the minors. They “work” in that sense. What they don’t do in the minors, as the minors are strictly developmental and nobody really cares about winning, is “stress test” the rules by “walking up to the line”, attempting angle shoot behavior, and such. With that understanding, expect that the transition won’t be chaotic, and there are As to all the obvious Qs raised.


My interest in baseball really waned over the last decade. I think it started with the rise of MAGA - there were just too many actually important things to care about. Then COVID. The only thing that has kept me at all interested has been fantasy baseball.

So, I am just one man, but I’m kind of a fan of the tinkering. I’m at least mildly interested in watching to see how this stuff turns out.

They gotta do something-getting unwatchable. I’d rather they just empower the umps to make the pitcher/batter knock off the slow play stuff.

No visible clock, just a stop watch held by say the 3rd base ump. Keep ‘em guessing.

And effing hate the shift. Changes the whole sport.

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That something is “beer”. Always has been.


I wish him well but it certainly is nice not having to deal with this anymore. Surely there won’t be any such concerns with our two 40 year old aces!

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Agree. My first option would have been to legalize the “quick pitch”. In other words, if time is in, the pitcher can pitch. Batters would eventually tire of being rung up for strikes when they’re standing outside the box. We’ll see how this works, but the clock is going to become a permanent fixture now on-screen and largely irrelevant to the action. In fact, from a broadcast perspective, I’m sure they’re thinking about how they get rid of the clock when the ball is put in play.

I think I’m in this camp. I’m big-ish into fantasy baseball, so I guess part of me is curious to see how it changes that game, but still.

Also, I think being anti-new rule is kind of old-fogeyism. Baseball has always been tinkering, like forever. We’re talking since the late 1700s according to at least one podcast I just listened to.


I like shifts and I actually like the extra innings runner on second thing (though I don’t necessarily care if they stay or go).

I think the pitch clock is a good idea, but the pickoff thing is unnecessarily complicated and dumb. I understand the idea behind the larger base, but I feel like they could have just added an extension on the back of first base like you see in some leagues in order to avoid first basemen from getting stepped on. Trying to increase stolen bases by adding an inch or whatever seems unnecessary.

Baseball really needs to move the mound back.


Would lowering the mound help as well / instead?

I assume so but I don’t really see why there needs to be any tinkering beyond moving the mound back some % of the distance to increase reaction times for batters.

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