Major League Baseball (Part 1)

They don’t make that distinction.

Welcome to the Void. The general void is between the last bowl game (discounting the CFP championship) and the first spring training game. The Void proper is the longest stretch without any baseball or football games.

The (proper) Void has historically been between the Superb Owl game and the first spring training game. Back in the day, the (proper) Void could be quite lengthy. Example: in calendar year 1978 the Superb Owl was January 15, while the first spring training came was around March 8th… seven weeks later. Luckily, over the decades, the NFL has moved the Superb Owl back a month, while MLB has move spring training up a couple of weeks.

Here in calendar year 2023 , for the first time ever, the (proper) Void is instead between the NFL semi-finals (yesterday) and the Superb Owl game.

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I’m bored.


Nobody can replace this guy, and I truly hope they don’t try to.


aw fuck. :pensive:

i’ve had several conversations with him in the bleachers over the years.

Now we just need bald ugly buckeye dickface to eat it.

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Can he be any dreamier


He could be if that red and white was replaced with orange and black

Orange and Blue tho. yum

I guess he’d look pretty good in Orioles gear.

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I’m sorry, International Orange

I think keeping him with the Angels is the fairest solution for the league. This way everyone can enjoy his brilliance yet he’ll never interfere with the playoffs


That’s another cool thing about having the GOAT team colors… there is no need for such quibbles and qualifications.

22 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bowling

YoutubeTV dropped MLB Network so maybe I just won’t watch any baseball this year. MLB seems to be on top of figuring out how to alienate everyone under 70 from the game.

You gotta watch the game the right way


You can just read about the game the next day when your newspaper is delivered.


Yeah I’m done trying to fight through their objectively horrible media policies

I’ll go to a bunch of college wood bat league games and that type of thing, and have more fun

Fuck MLB

Today is the day Sabo’s Padres single game tix go on sale. I’ve already had the credit card company call me about the burst of tix purchases. It’s also the day I’m going to commit to our spring training trip. In total, five game tix for Sabo the dog, and five other game tix for me alone. Some dates of note…

  • Feb 12: The Superb Owl game.
  • Feb 13: Pitchers and catchers in the WBC report.
  • Feb 15-17: Pitchers and catchers report.
  • Feb 16: Hitters in the WBC report.
  • Feb 20-21: Hitters report.
  • Feb 24: First spring games.
  • Feb 26: Sabo sees his Padres in Peoria AZ
  • Mar 28: Last spring games.
  • Mar 30: Opening day.
  • Apr 3: Sabo sees his Padres at Petco Park

i know nothing about you other than you like to take your dog to baseball games, but that’s enough for me to know that you’re probably a pretty awesome person :+1:t3: