Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Considering whether we watch or root for it has zero bearing on what they are doing I agree with you. And maybe we are having two different convos here. There isn’t anything morally wrong in my book for watching. I think what the non-bubble sports leagues are doing is morally wrong. And I think you can hold both beliefs and not be a hypocrite.


I used to pay to stream NFL games before I mostly quit watching football. But I was using a shady streaming service that required a VPN, so hopefully the league didn’t get too much of my monies.

Canada isn’t letting that many Americans in.

The real question for NFL is which team is going to get caught faking a negative test so a player can play in a game?

I agree with you that the non-bubble sports are being dumb because they could be doing things better. But I don’t think your argument for shutting down sports is at all obvious. You can’ just say, “People will get sick; shut it down.” You have to also consider what the alternative is. Do you think these players would just stay at home in their mansions if there was no game? Some, sure. But plenty would be taking MORE risk and endangering MORE people. Living in the public eye and facing the embarrassment and scorn of teammates and fans when you get sick has got to be a motivator for a lot of these guys to do the best they can.

And then you also need to factor in the positive outcomes of deplorables seeing all these super star athletes wearing masks and what not. That’s got to be almost as good as Trump wearing a mask in public.

Maybe. I’m pretty sure traveling around the country non-stop for months staying in hotels is about as high risk of behavior as possible. So I’m not sure these guys would be engaging in more risky behavior otherwise. I think it’s likely most athletes were taking this pretty seriously because we didn’t hear about a ton of them getting pozzed during the break.

At least the bubble sports are trying to do things to maximize safety. The MLB is doing what exactly? No fans? I mean that’s great and all but is basically the bare minimum.

Like I think in general we should be finding ways to bring back as much of normal life as possible but recklessly restarting baseball, which is very likely to have some bad outcomes for some people, in order to play some half assed season is insane. Especially considering they are maybe 50/50 to finish at this point.

Yeah they wore a mask and then they had to kneel.

LOL MLB all around. Joe Kelly gets 8 games which is like 20 games in a normal season.

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Dude - we just saw an NBA basketball player break the bubble to go to a strip club. Being in the public eye doesn’t seem to stop them from taking risks.

As for your last point - that only works if they actually enforce the mask rule. Plenty of guys in the dugout not wearing masks while in close quarters with others. And then look at the Astros/Dodgers confrontation last night - maybe 1/2 of the guys wearing masks as they all rush the field to yell at each other (which is one of the few ways to be high risk while outdoors). Love Kershaw pulling his mask down so he can yell better.

So no suspensions for cheating players, but serious punishment for taunting the cheaters. MLB sending a clear message.


Again, you have to compare the counterfactual. One guy’s behavior can’t tell us anything about the effects of playing vs. not playing in the aggregate.

Fine - so what is your basis that they are taking less risks due to being in the public eye? It seems like you’re just surmising that they should take less risks, when we have evidence that even with a bubble and hard rules, they still break those rules to take stupid risks.

I get that anecdotal evidence is weak, but right now it’s all we have.

One way to find the answer would be to compare pre-season behavior to current behavior. I have no idea what this would look like. Like you, I only have guesses. But I think it’s a reasonable guess to say that money, peer pressure, and public pressure influence player behavior in a positive way. I don’t think that’s a crazy assumption.

I also agree with a lot of your criticisms. MLB could be doing this better. I just think the answer is “maybe” not “lol shut it down.”

Only if you adopt CFL rules.

Can Pat Mahones set an all time record for rouges in a season? Let’s find out!

Pat rarely needs 3 downs for a first anyway.



This one’s a real battle of the (shitty) bullpens.

I am pissed that Bell pulled Sonny Gray when he was fucking dealing and we immediately shit the bed.

The hits to the face of the baseball gods keep coming…

The Phils’ schedule was adjusted earlier on Wednesday. The first game of the Phillies-Blue Jays series this weekend was pushed from Friday to Saturday. The two teams will play a doubleheader that day starting at 3:07 p.m. There is a possibility that the doubleheader will consist of two seven-inning games. Major League Baseball and the Players Association are talking about making that protocol for doubleheaders that will result from this week’s postponements.

And… it hasn’t been officially announced yet, but the Marlins games scheduled Aug 4-6 are going to be cancelled too. That’ll make 10 missing Marlin games, which means they could well be done for the season. The Yankees, Phillies, Orioles, and Rays will have their schedules scrambled too.

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lol, Reds get screwed in the most Reds way possible

The Lions.

All the teams will do it, but the NFL really hates the Lions.

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the NFL hates the Lions? is this just that calvin play from eons ago?