Major League Baseball (Part 1)

I think Belmonte can be fairly considered the GOAT. His two-handed style could be called cheating by some, but I think its a hard claim to back up. He stays behind the line and rolls the ball down the lane. He just has a different form. And now its really popular among younger players. I’ve bowled since about age 4, and trying to launch the ball down the lane two handed is impossible for me, so I give them props for being able to do it as well as they do. I think its going to be interesting to see how well the style holds up over time. Norm Duke just finished 2nd in a major tourney at age 57. The two-handed style requires a lot more athleticism it seems, and it’ll be interesting to see if guys are still doing it at a similar age.

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I do know that every stadium is using standardized thermadors this year, so at least the balls should be more consistent.

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Yeah the humidors should even things out a lot, at least in places where conditions made the ball fly. I guess it could have the opposite effect in some parks.

You think Buster may not have retired if the CBA with universal DH was signed prior to his decision?

Man, I miss Jerry Remy.

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100% On the batter there. 2nd base ump clearly signals HR

NESN canning Orsillo took five years off Remy’s life. Change my mind.

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I think something else took many years off Remdog’s life but we don’t talk about that.

The cancer that came back like five times?

(I know what you’re actually referring to but I think sometimes people smoke a lot and then die from it)

Why was he out? My understanding is that the basepath rule only applies if you are trying to avoid a tag, otherwise, there is no basepath and you’re free to take whatever path you want. I would think it would be similar to when a runner misses a base, he’s not out, he just has to go back and touch the base.

He passed 2nd without touching it, Im pretty sure that leads to an out

If you pass a base without tagging it, you can always go back.

A quick googling shows that there is Rule 5.09(b)(2) that says a runner is out if - “After touching first base, he leaves the base path, obviously abandoning his effort to touch the next base.” So seems like a judgement call that the hitter had “obviously abandoned” his efforts to touch second. I think that the reason this doesn’t apply when you miss a bag, is that you didn’t abandoned your efforts to touch that base, you just made a mistake.

Right, and here he was clearly heading towards the dugout with no intention of finishing the HR trot

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This is not true if the umpires call a dead ball. I don’t think the umps got the call right here (why would they call a dead ball after a HR before the runner has had a chance to score?) but for example that is how you can get called out if you round the bases but miss second, then while you’re in the dugout the ump calls dead ball and the defense can appeal at second I think. In that situation I think if they touch second the hitter is out.

I already felt bad for @skydiver8, and then I found out that this shitheel runs the Reds


See, here is the problem. None of these talk jocks call him out for blatantly fucking lying about “the team spending more than it makes.” It’s such a good call out on this guy too because he seems shaky enough to go into complete meltdown mode and start throwing punches or racial slurs. It’s basically a freeroll for a public meltdown and potentially 7-figure payday if he assaults you.

Here are the Twitter links to it:

No covid around and that’s a lotta notes.

Kershaw perfect through 6 in Minnesota. 12 Ks.