Major League Baseball (Part 1)

It’s not like he couldn’t choose to do it, he’s made $133M already and they offered him 5 more years for $135M. So one the one hand the marginal cost of the “home discount” would be practically minimal to him, but it looks like the Dodgers are going to go ahead and give him $180M. $45M is $45M!

california vs georgia taxes though, he might only get like +10M difference in the end*

*I ain’t gonna look it up

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Two winning seasons* in a row and a playoff appearance for first time in several years, and they…give all of their players away getting nothing in return. Rumors are this ownership group is trying to unload the franchise.

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/Cringe/ What did they do now . . . off to google

You mean since letting Wade Miley walk to the Cubs? They traded Sonny Gray to Twins for an 18-year-old kid and Winker / Suarez to Mariners for more prospects. I don’t necessarily have a problem with those outside of Miley if they’re looking to spend on replacements, but instead it looks like a full-on fire sale.

ugh. Cincinnati=cheap is always a good franchise assumption

This is more than cheap. This was a winning team that had a AAA bullpen for most of the year last year. Instead of filling in that roster now, they’re selling everything. It makes no sense on any levels other than deciding you’re going to go to the salary basement and pocket all of the revenue shares. This is why baseball is a complete fucking joke. People bitch about the Yankees et al, but they stopped spending due to the luxury tax. The real problem is that teams like the Pirates can spend 29M on payroll.

Twins acquired RHP Sonny Gray and RHP Francis Peguero from the Reds in exchange for RHP Chase Petty.

The veteran right-hander gives the Twins a much-needed arm in their rotation while the Reds continue to make confusing and embarrassing decisions.

There’s a reason why @kyleb and everyone else who had any clue what they were doing quit.

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Top rates state income tax in CA is 13.3% vs GA 5.75%. That’s 7.55% higher. On $45M that’s a difference of $3.4M.

Of course, the players (or their agents) already know all this, and discount the offers accordingly, when making comparisons.

If you have $100M dollars you are probably going to have some pretty darn good “tax advice” to mitigate this impact.

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He got a Bonilla type deal?

Wages are the one thing it’s hard to be able to avoid taxes on. I think athletes are pretty much the only rich people that suffer due to this.

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There are also local taxes that specifically target them, Andrew McCutchen had to pay almost $10k per check to play in Pittsburgh.

Apparently he did.



big pimpin’

Old, white people were legit scared of him.