Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Lol ok sure reporters should always be advocates for righteous causes, literally forbidden for bring salary cap/floor into the discussion lest they bring down the wrath of Boras and the players. That’s what journalism is all about.

The reporters have been lock step with the players every inch of this thing. The players want less revenue sharing, no luxury tax, and of course no salary floor. As a fan that runs counter to my interests. I want more competitive balance. I don’t want small market teams to tank for “windows”. I don’t want to lose homegrown stars. That makes me lose interest as a fan, and I’m not the only one.

Baseball writers can be state-run media for the players all the want. But if the fans leave, the writers having never advocated for things that might actually bring fans back into the fold will just accelerate the inevitable collapse. Then there won’t be any money left for them to fight over.

Imagine thinking everyone has to be either 100% on one side or 100% on the other, and not thinking what fans actually want matters at all. Fans are just dumb, don’t understand statistics. Shut up small market fan and be happy for whatever scraps you might get. Here let us lecture you about how well small-market teams have done in the playoffs, while we pretend we don’t understand small sample variance, and refuse to look at who actually makes the playoffs every year after 162 games.

Don’t look to the NFL though where teams like KC and Green Bay can actually keep their superstars. Nope. Let’s just pretend that doesn’t exist and never ever talk about it.

I’m not for the owners or the players. I’m just sick of being gaslighted that the MLB is just as good for small market fans as the NFL. It’s not, and it’s one reason the game is collapsing.

I’m not mad at the players. I’m mad at national baseball writers for selling their souls. Read those articles I posted and tell me they’re being anything like objective.

I want a salary cap/floor. It seems like the owners don’t really want a floor, and the players are dead set against any kind of cap structure. Here’s where the media might actually drive the conversation and represent the fans. But no. They have a list of forbidden words, and salary floor is on it.

All the players do is bitch about the greedy owners. But their only solution to that problem seems to be to shame them. I’m dubious that will have any impact, and the players apparently don’t really care. How about a salary floor like every other major North American sport? That might actually work. But again, this topic cannot be discussed under any circumstances. We must never let fans figure out that a cap always comes with a floor.

Here’s a retired sports writer who doesn’t have to grovel for access anymore:

On more article that succinctly lays it out a lot better than I can. Now I’m going to mute this thread for a while because I’m not doing well right now, and being gaslighted makes me lose my mind.

Anyway, good news for those of us who still like to be distracted by this silliness!

Also, this is pretty cool:

WARdle #1 - 8/8


Yeah I’m way worse at this than I thought I would be. I guessed a guy that has been retired for SEVEN YEARS. I legit thought he had only been around that long

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Cardinals fans are strangely upset at Jack Flaherty

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By the time the season starts Ontario may be YOLOing anyway.

Probably, but they still can’t cross the border.

college but

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Also not major league but more entertaining than 95% of what we’ll see this season

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Why’d she swing at a ball that far out of the strike zone? Needs to have a better eye that thing was low

Fielder almost bobbled the transfer trying to throw her out, probably could have taken a little more time. God how horrible would that be if you made a wild throw and allowed the batter to reach.

Today [yesterday] is the day pitchers and catchers reported… 32 days postponed. Everyone else reports today too, about 25 days late. The first spring game is Friday the 18th… 21 days late. Opening day is April 7th… 7 days late. That makes camp 25 days… instead of 37 for most players and 44 for pitchers and catchers.

For us watching at home on TV, that’s 14 days of spring games vaporized that we’ll never get back.

All this because the 30 folks who hate baseball the most pulled their lockout crap. Was it worth it?

Well to us fans 125% absolutely not. The extra 25% represents how this move by the owners makes things significantly worse going forward.

ETA: fixed typos.


I think I’d be throwing furniture around in the front office if I were in Padres management. The guy fractures his wrist in December, does nothing about it, and then Surprise!! He’s out three months. Not to mention riding a motorcycle might not be a great idea for a pro ballplayer anyway. Sucks for them.

What’s the point of being a rich 23 year old pro athlete if you can’t do stupid stuff in the offseason?

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I’m sad the Braves are moving on from Freddie Freeman

Matt Olson is a soft landing, though

Yeah, but it seems like the Dodgers are just going to give him 6 years at over $30 million per year. It sucks to lose him but it doesn’t make sense to match an overpaid contract just because of feelings.

It’s unusual to see guys stay on the same team their entire careers nowadays, but Freeman definitely seemed like a Braves lifer.