Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Maybe they’ll just sign more hall of famers.

I hope StL wins too, but only because I’m a White Sox fan and the Dodgers getting knocked out would up our title equity a bit, as it would all remaining teams.

I’ll be rooting for some terrible call by Country Joe to determine the outcome of the game.

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I don’t know why you had to make this personal, but your psychological read of me is pure.

Lol 1-game eliminations


Nice. How much are those tickets?

During regular season I think they’re $150, but these are season tickets from my company

I assume a lot of the fans are still stuck in traffic. What time did you get to the ballpark?

It’s a company outing so we left at 2:45 and traveled the 11 miles in 1 hr

Bottom deck is pretty full but upper is a bit sparse

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Jfc. Is there no easy way to get to the park?

We got off the freeway. That was the easy way!

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Living in walking distance would work. Other than that, no.

'15 NLDS I recall it taking about 45 mins to get there… from Union Station… 1.7 miles away.

Yeah easily half that time was the last 2.5 miles

Country Joe squeezin’ some country fresh hatorade. :grinning:

I live in Glendale just off the 2 and can get there pretty quickly by sneaking through Echo Park to the Scott Ave gate.

Interesting first 3+ innings

Lol Scherzer so pissed

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