Major League Baseball (Part 1)

I shouldn’t be counting outs but I’m kinda counting outs

Every time I see Brett Gardner

ball ball ball ball ball ball ball :basketball::football::basketball::football:

haha the look on the pitcher’s face at that long fly ball by Devers :scream:

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Huge getting 2 there

Odor button your fucking jersey

I’ll always remember Hansel Robles for repeatedly giving the universal point-in-the-air pop-up signal when he would give up 400+ foot bombs in the late innings for the Mets.

ETA: god bless the internet


Lol at yankee fans in Fenway right now. I’m sure it’s a pleasant experience for the most entitled fans in all of sports

Yeah, it can get pretty ugly. Let’s dump hundreds of thousands of alcohol units into a huge crowd that hates each other and worships both sports and alcohol - what could go wrong? :beers:

Mike having a night.

Hahahaha get flucked


Excellent game. Low stress. Let’s all enjoy the postseason now.


Game, game, game, …

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3:13 might be the shortest Yankees Red Sox game ever.

By an hour.


The excuses are flying on the YES post game. Cole was “compromised.”


I legit don’t know what that means.

Like Cora got to him and he purposely sucked?

They were suggesting he may have an injury. What raised their suspicions were pitch sequences where Cole didn’t throw any fastballs.

Your theory is way more fun tho. Cora breaking kneecaps ftw.

I’ve changed my mind after an entire week of LA based media cant stop whining about how unfair it is that the Dodgers have to play a wild card game, how a blown call in July means they should be champs, and how they are so unfairly treated all the time. I guess winning your first championship* in 32 years really throws a sense of entitlement up your ass.

I hope St. Louis decimates them. 20 to nothing after 2 innings. Then they can whine and cry for the next 5 months about how super unfair it was that they had to play 1 game and the Cardinals had a month to prepare for the wild card while they couldnt close the deal and beat the Giants in a division race.

Crush em, Cards. Absolutely destroy any ounce of morale they have left. Send them back into another 30 year tailspin.