Major League Baseball (Part 1)

You bet on the Mets to win?

The show must go on it seems…

Which means today’s Sabo Bowl #1110 is on !!!1! I’m sure there is no reason to explain that Sabo Bowls are when me & my dog Sabo have hugeness riding on sportsball events.

Where we are at…

Right now I hold yapping|taunting rights over Sabo. He can’t bark without my permissions, and I can taunt him at will. It’s been that way since I gained rights back on August 27th. It’s been that way every day, except two, since Sabo Bowl #1010 back on 2018-10-28… when I went up to Dodger Stadium to see my Red Sox win the World Series, and Sabo had to stay at home. And it looked like it might be that way for a long time to come… as it seemed the next Sabo Bowl might not happen until 2022.

The Stakes

If Sabo’s team wins, he’ll gain yapping|taunting rights over me. He’ll be able to bark at will, while I’ll have to address him politely by name (no more calling him “scruffy”/etc), and can’t rub things in (like the fact that his Padres have gone the longest without ever winning a World Series, or that his new Reds haven’t won one in 30 years… while my Red Sox and new Cubs have won three in his lifetime alone).

The Game…

However, because of the three “leagues proper” restructuring this season, and us both opting to pick new favorites in the “central league”, today’s Reds game qualifies as an unexpected Sabo Bowl. FYI: we have agreement to play the series rule for the regular season.

Sabo Bowl #1110 listed line
my new Cubs Trent Thornton -115
Sabo’s new Reds Anibel Sanchez +105
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Yes, Red Sox are about 25c to high in every game so far.

Marlins/Orioles maybe resuming Wednesday in Baltimore. Pending more tests of course. And assuming there are hotels and bus operators and all that other stuff in Baltimore that are willing to provide service to a traveling COVID-show.

I never threw a baseball in my life, but after viewing two innings I imagine it will look very similar to the way Mike Montgomery is throwing now.


Yep, I’m not surprised the season will carry on. It’s a shame that so few safety protocols are happening because I think MLB could actually do this right and safely if they chose to.

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did you play today’s slate? pitching is such a dumpster fire.

Yeah I’m stuck on JAMES mostly but have some Lester that could salvage it.

that fd i guess? I have like 80% james and not a single TB stack. I’m just hoping for an in-game covid outburst.

Pretty sure Reds will have 10+ within a week.

Will 2 teams be enough? 3? 4? 10?

Or gonna take a death? 2? 3? 10?

Yeah. This is why MME GPP is dumb as fuck and a stain on fantasy sports. There is really nothing interesting about spamming everything on a slate. It seemed appealing back in 2014/15 because not too many people had the BR to max out every tournament. They weren’t especially skilled or anything–the limiting factor in dfs was just being able to put down enough money. Now that way more people have had time to acquire bankrolls it’s barely profitable if at all.

Sure but what if you win

Mike Orgies is a genius


I will take under 10 Reds as of Sunday at midnight and also wager no MLB player dies of Covid. Why are u just making up this morbid BS?

Nah I think we are close to canceling the season. The MLBPA is really strong. A lot of these guys didn’t want to play in the first place.

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I don’t want to crap all over the American flag or anything, but while we’re revamping the game, how about the manager just signal to the pitcher that he is subbing him out instead of very slowly go on the field, walk 5 miles, take the ball away and wait for a new pitcher to magically appear?

They are buying the incoming reliever extra warm up pitches. Also, old school managers tend to be old and fat and have no choice.

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Going to grab some Reds live and watch Lester give it all back.