Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Strike zones are subjective.



Christ, dude. Next time, just do what Trump does.

“Yeah, I did. That makes me smart.”


the best thing about being a baseball noob is that everyday you see something new

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The trumpian thing would be to straight up lie and say no then go on a 10 minute tirade about roided up hitters.


I found this in an old article:

"There is no requirement that the fielder successfully remove the ball from his glove in order for it be ruled a catch. If the fielder drops the ball while attempting to remove it to make a throw, the umpires should rule that the ball had been caught, provided that the fielder had secured it in his glove before attempting the transfer. The umpires will continue to use their judgment as to whether the fielder had complete control over the ball before the transfer.’’

It looks like he tried to transfer behind his back and dropped it, rather than out in front where it would have been more clear.

You see this all the time on double plays, where the question is whether it was dropped on the transfer or never actually caught.

Here, I think the benefit of the doubt goes against Marte - since there were two outs, there was no reason to transfer the ball to make a throw. From the video, you can’t really tell if the wall dislodged it or he dropped in doing a behind the back transfer. It the reason why they teach you to show you have possession of the ball on tough fly balls (assuming you don’t have a quick throw to make).

That’s not really the same though because then something else can happen with the football and the play can change, like the other team picking it up and scoring. Nothing else can happen to the baseball, it went out the park and the scoreboard changed.

I’m on team it’s a dumb rule, there are no unfair advantages that would be gained by anyone if the rule wasn’t there

jomboy on team dumb rule. also if i’m that minor league kid next home run i hit i’m just gonna lay down on home plate and do snow angel untill they pick me up

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It’s a dumb rule, but it could not be easier to follow, so I don’t have a lot of sympathy for dumbasses who can’t do it right.

Always good to be on the side opposite of Jomboy

any particular reasons to hate jomboy? I’m always up for some good hating

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I don’t find him funny or insightful.

He just goes wow look at this thing that happened can you believe it pretty crazy right?

that’s the dream

At least Steward made funny faces and stuff.


The first 2 worked!


And once the robot umps are here everyone will be satisfied right?

Definitely no chance for suspicion in that scenario.

Good scouting report