Major League Baseball (Part 1)

throwing a baseball on purpose at another person should be a life time ban from the league. maybe then pitchers will refuse to do it. tbh they should also be arrested and charged for aggravated assault, but i’ll settle for the first one.


Mariners going for their second no-hitter of the month.

(not the good kind)

i know i’m spamming with mundane stuff but i’m new to this game and this is so stupid my brain is having a meltdown. the equivalent is a guy kicking a field goal 5 feet to the left and the ref says it’s good. how is this an actual game? my brain cannot accept it. i can’t think of any sport where the target you are aiming at is arbitrarily made up each time except for every game i play against my 4 year old son.

LOL Mariners

LMAO at Breathalyzer Tony talking about there being consequences for someone doing their job correctly. Srsly tho if someone intentionally threw a baseball at me because a guy executed the objective of the game while completely following the rules I would straight up start ax murdering people.

I hear what you’re saying but this would be pretty difficult to implement. You’d need trial juries to determine the pitcher’s state of mind at the time of the pitch. I could see something like escalating suspensions for the pitcher and manager where the umpire ejects someone for throwing at the opponent.

I don’t understand how position players have rubber arms to pitch, but real pitchers get put into intensive care if they throw more than ten pitches. Like, why can’t a real pitcher stand out there and throw 48 mph fastballs. Would that make the reaction any different?

Something something disrespect something something play the game the white, er, I mean right way.

JFC La Russa. The White Sox players should just declare mutiny at this point.

We are days away from TLR ordering his pitchers to throw at their own teammates.

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It would be nice to see a veteran like Abreu stand up for his teammate and tell TLR to go fuck himself. Mercedes can’t do it - even if he’s having a big year - he’s still a rookie making peanuts.

edit: looks like a few guys live Anderson and Lynn have come out in support of Mercedes, so hopefully there is some push-back in the clubhouse right now.

They should go to the GM and tell them that the coach goes or they’ll embarrass him. Player mutiny is probably against the unwritten rules but this is ridiculous.

Management are probably idiots and will look at the fact the Sox are in first as evidence that TLR is doing things right (ignoring that a huge reason for that is Mercedes being one of the best hitters in baseball). Reinsdorf doesn’t have a good history of siding with players over management.

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reinsdorf is loyal, TLR ain’t going nowhere. doesn’t matter what management thinks they have no say

Y’all must have significant disdain for Bob Gibson.

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ohtani taken out as starting pitcher after 4.2 innings and he moves to right field. that’s normal, right?

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If it’s a day that ends in day, there’s a no hitter watch in MLB. Today Kluber no hits through 8 against the Rangers.

most no-no in a season is 7. they’re up to 6 this year and it’s mid may

Bring back the juiced ball

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