Major League Baseball (Part 1)

I guess historically perfect games were always considered more of a team accomplishment and no-nos more of an individual pitching achievement, but in the modern pitcher centric era the pitcher just gets credited either way.

Draft Kings had a 25% profit boost on a live bet today. The orioles being up 2 early and -2 run line seemed like a good deal. Nice.

I’m done. Lol baseball.

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thanks to covid there were barely any ushers so we moved down to the front row at the end of the 7th last night after seeing an entire family get up and leave. Never gone for the gold like this before when seat hopping it was pretty awesome.

At the end of the 8th we were yelling at joe musgrove and he turned around to see 4 drunk dudes screaming no no joe and he did a double take and shot us a smile haha


The definition was officially made to be a game without allowing a baserunner.

One casualty was that Ernie Shore’s relief effort after Babe Ruth was ejected was no longer counted as a perfect game.

The O’s threw a combined no-hitter in 1991. The record for pitchers used in a combined no-hitter, by the way, is six.

That was called ball 4


Jose Alvarado starts jawing at the batter from the mound, walks toward him, drops his glove, takes off his hat, and starts fighting, causing a benches-clearing brawl: Suspended 3 games, appealed to 2.

Amir Garrett yells from the mound, doesn’t move, while Javy Baez jumps out of the dugout and charges toward him, no one touches or fights. Garret: suspended 7 games. Baez? undisclosed fine.

Baez gets nothing for actually charging out of the dugout onto the field. Molina gets nothing for grabbing Castellanos and pushing him while Casty was walking away. Alvarado does more to instigate a brawl than Garrett and gets only 3 games.

I’m starting to think the MLB really does hate us.

Lookout Jesse Winker, you might be facing a lifetime ban for this

Unless this has happened more than once, I was at this game. Yankees-Astros in the Bronx. Went with one of my college buddies and we were two of the only Astros fans in attendance. Didn’t really feel like a no-hitter as the Astros starter (Oswalt) only lasted an inning, so you didn’t have the normal situation where one pitcher dominated. Remember thinking once they got to Lidge they had a good chance of closing it out as the Astros had a dominate relief core with Lidge, Dotel, and Wagner.

It’s happened twice. The second time was also due to the Mariners starter, Kevin Millwood, leaving due to injury, although he made it to six innings.

You know what else is tilting about MLB? Every player’s nickname is their abbreviated last name + y.

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What percentage of Players’ Weekend nicknames actually fit this?

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TIL that Eephus is supposedly from Hebrew. Doesn’t make much sense but sure (efes means zero).

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Hernandez sucks and everything, but I don’t know why he’s getting grief by the Royals. Especially the balk.

Everyone knows he’s the worst umpire in the league so he has no credibility.

Dude got hit in the hand and it was def a balk but agree Hernandez is not the highest performing mlb umpire.

Hernandez is also wearing a shitty-ass single-layer t-shirt mask like the one I wore at the beginning of the pandemic when I didn’t know any better.

Ohell Ipa⟨r⟩on

Not true.

Sometimes it’s their first name. Miggy

Yep, that’s exactly it. Every Yankee game I watch it’s “Booney, Judgey, Higgy, Hicksey, Gardy” and I think it’s like that on every team and it makes me want to murder.

I think I prefer that to first initial-beginning of last name.