Major League Baseball (Part 1)

lol ump

Fire him immediately. There is nothing worse than a sports official who does not appreciate that their role is to help keep the game running, and that literally nobody wants them to make it about themselves.


Au contraire.

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It takes a seriously nitty reading of the rules to even conclude that’s the right call. I’ll do my best to explain it, but it’s terrible.

Basically if a fielder who is not in the act of fielding the ball impedes the runner, it’s obstruction. The act of fielding part is subjective. Does it stop when the ball is in your glove? When you make the throw? When you have a reasonable amount of time to stop and adjust your momentum? The rulebook even says it’s a judgment call. I don’t see a way the pitcher could have fielded the ball where he did without getting in the runners way. The runner who, by the way, was not in the running lane. While the lane is really there to ensure no runner interference on throws to first, it seems silly to reward the runner in this case for being outside the lane he really should have bene in. Because if the runner had been ahead of the throw in this case and got hit in the back, it’s an out on runners interference for being outside the lane. But because the pitcher got there first now he’s obstructing? Get the fuck out of here.

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Counsell was far too polite imo.

The batter should just run right at the pitcher’s mound on any weak grounder, then say the pitcher way impeding his run to first.

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That really might be the worst call I have ever seen. It’s like the ump decided when the ball was hit that he was going to call him safe no matter what. I mean, shit, you have to watch a replay and squint to see even the possibility of interference and then it was Diaz who veered toward the pitcher. The pitcher was still on the grass, ffs, and the dude was out before he even got to the pitcher. And then even if you say that Diaz had established his path on the grass and was interfered with, I call bullshit because the pitcher had to go where he did to field the ball. It’s not like he fielded it, threw it to first, and then stepped in Diaz’s way.

What a mind-bogglingly horrible call.

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Watching it again, you can see that Diaz angle-shot and won. He knew from the jump that he was out by a mile (obviously) and established his path on the grass as soon as saw where the ball was going. He was hunting the interference. He was just jogging on the grass and as soon as he got to where the pitcher was, he veered to make it look like the pitcher got in his way.

Oh wow deGrom pitching and he has as many hits as the rest of the team shocking stuff



but they’re facing Jason Whitlock

I lied he got a walk not a hit I’m sorry


‘and it’s up to Conforto’

the 5 most-feared words in all of NY

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The entire lineup has a career OPS over like 800 and they’re all under like 600 I can’t take it anymore


gotta take the good with the bad, broseph. if it was all good, thatd be no fun

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It’s been bad my whole life!


Soler has gotten hot like lava

he was pissed too, because he tried to call for time the 1st pitch of his at bat, backed out of the box, it wasn’t given , and it was a strike

Mets gave up 3 runs in 2 games to the best offense in baseball.

Lost both games.


Matt Barnes is nasty af

up there with Hader and maybe a couple others

bryce hit in the face with a pitch, then dude hits didi the next batter. weird shite

I’m a non Met-hating Yankee fan, and being in this market I listen to a bit of Met stuff obv. Yanks have their own damn problems right now, but man does it feel criminal how little the Mets do for degrom like almost every start. They should have a pretty strong team even with some of the injuries atm.