Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Bauer winning should not have been surprising at all, even if Darvish was slightly the better pitcher.

Bauer was luckier than Darvish, but not in a way most people would notice. He had better ERA, K/9, and was only slightly worse on BB/9. His big luck was on BABIP, but most non-stat nerds still believe a pitcher can have a real effect on that, so they count that as a skill.

Darvish was significantly better than Bauer in HRs, but most non-stat nerds don’t really look at HR/9 when considering who is the better pitcher.


way more qualified than most first-time GMs.

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But she’s a girl.

Exactly the point.

And I’d say she’s been that way for about 10 years now.


Let’s also assume the Marlins got the “we’re giving you your shot” discount.

For sure.

That was my first thought; Marlins are so, so cheap (still).

I wonder if that discount is bigger than the “but she’s a girl” discount

Heh yea that’s probably it. It wasn’t done because she’s the most qualified person, it was done so they could pay 70 cents on the dollar.

God damn you all are cynical.

This is awesome news.

Ya but we’re all gonna die someday.

Memento mori

I just realized that Tommy Lasorda is in ICU. Turner was pozzed about 3 weeks ago. Wonder if he pozzed Lasorda.

Wow had to look that up. Had no idea. Burke invented the high five too.

Omg the wanting tears are delicious

Extra 24 mil for Uncle Steve to spend this off season

Mets might legit get the top 5 free agents

And if there’s anything the Mets are awesome at, it’s dropping big money on free agent signings.

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I’m sorry you must have an owner worth 14 billion to post ITT